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Report 13 of the 11 Nov 02 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and provides a summary on anticipated revised statutory guidance related to best value and assesses its impact on the way in which the MPA/MPS undertake best value reviews.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Best value in 2003/04

Report: 13
Date: 11 November 2002
By: Clerk


This report summarises anticipated revised statutory guidance related to best value and assesses its impact on the way in which the MPA/MPS undertake best value reviews as well as the number and scope of reviews in 2003/04.

A. Recommendations


  1. members postpone making a decision on areas to review in 2003/04 until January 2003 to allow consideration of revised statutory guidelines on best value; and
  2. in line with anticipated guidelines, the MPA (consulting with the MPS) reassesses the way in which its best value responsibilities are discharged (learning lessons from other more successful processes).

B. Supporting information


1. At the Planning, Performance and Review (PPR) Committee on 22 July 2002 (agenda item 6) members noted that the statutory requirement to review all MPS functions over a five-year period had been relaxed. In response the Committee agreed that:

  • the MPA would commission two best value reviews per year; and
  • the chairs of MPS strategic committees would be asked to nominate areas to review in 2003/04 for consideration and approval by members (taking into account any preferences indicated by MPS management board).

2. The Deputy Chair of PPR Committee wrote to the chairs of (sixteen) MPS strategic committees to invite nominations. However, responses were only received from the Deputy Commissioner and the Director of Resources so it was not possible to provide members with a complete list of nominations.

Selection of areas to review

3. The MPA is required to undertake best value reviews to help secure continuous improvement in the MPS. As members are aware, a ‘best value review’ is simply a review, overseen by the MPA, which aims to improve effectiveness, efficiency and/or economy by assessing a service using the 4Cs: challenge, consult, compare and compete.

4. In the absence of many nominations from the MPS members will need to decide which services to review. However, it is considered that a decision on the areas to review in 2003/04 should await publication of revised ‘police specific’ statutory guidelines on best value (anticipated before 30 November). In any event members are reminded there are plans for a national co-ordinated review of special branch in 2003/04.

Revised statutory guidelines

5. The Home Office (working in close consultation with the APA, ACPO, HMIC and Audit Commission) is preparing revised statutory guidelines relating to:

  • the Home Secretary’s national policing plan;
  • police authority three-year strategy plans and local policing plans; and
  • police authority and chief officer annual reports;
  • performance measurement, BVPIs and targets;
  • best value reviews;
  • audit and inspection;
  • intervention.

6. As far as best value is concerned the draft guidelines state that:

  • ‘Authorities and forces should take the opportunity presented by this guidance to fundamentally appraise the way they approach, manage, resource and implement best value to refocus it on delivering [improved police performance].’

7. The guidelines also state that authorities and forces should adopt a proportionate approach to best value and operate a rigorous but not rigid framework. The guidelines emphasise the fact that police authorities have considerable discretion with respect to:

  • the number of reviews undertaken;
  • the manner in which they are undertaken and by whom; and
  • the scope of individual reviews.

8. In anticipation of the draft guidelines being published it is considered that the MPA (consulting the MPS) should fundamentally re-assesses its approach to delivering best value and undertaking best value reviews.

9. Preliminary discussion within the MPA and MPS suggests there would be benefits in learning lessons from the MPA’s approach to scrutiny plus the Mayoral/MPA/MPS programme of efficiency and effectiveness reviews.

10. Part of the assessment process would be to understand, and address, the relative lack of enthusiasm for best value reviews as evidenced by the limited number of nominations for areas to review in 2003/04. There is general agreement that, without this assessment, the delivery of improvements in policing via best value principles will be difficult to achieve.

11. The proposed outcome of this exercise would be a report to PPR Committee at its next meeting setting out options and proposals with respect to the way in which best value reviews are undertaken and by whom. The report would also propose areas to review in 2003/04 (using any revised approach) selected on the basis that:

  • there is a need to improve performance in a priority area or performance is good but might benefit from fresh thinking;
  • the authority is unclear about the objectives of a service or how the service contributes to either national or local priorities; or
  • there is a need, or opportunity, for a step-change in performance (or for significant savings) and evidence that such a step-change is reasonable (for example where other authorities, forces or providers are delivering a much better quality or more efficient service).

C. Equality and diversity implications

Any revised process for undertaking reviews will, in line with forthcoming statutory guidance plus MPA/MPS requirements, take full account of the need to mainstream human rights, equalities and fairness issues.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from the report

E. Background papers

PPR Committee 22 July 2002: Report 6 (Management Arrangements for Best Value)

F. Contact details

Report author: Derrick Norton, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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