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Report 13 of the 08 May 03 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and discusses the Scrutiny on the MPS contribution to and effectiveness in Crime and Disorder Partnerships (CDRPs).

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MPS action plan on CDRP scrutiny

Report: 13
Date: 8 May 2003
By: Commissioner


The MPA has produced its findings of the Scrutiny on the MPS contribution to and effectiveness in Crime and Disorder Partnerships (CDRPs). This report details how the MPS will implement the recommendations.

A. Recommendations

That the Committee note how the MPS intends to implement and monitor the activity towards achieving the recommendations.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA Scrutiny focused on the MPS’ contribution and effectiveness in CDRPs across London. It looked at the staff and financial inputs made by the MPS in CDRPs, at CDRP partners’ satisfaction with the MPS, at CDRPs’ structures and membership and at the barriers to delivery encountered by CDRPs.

2. When conducting the scrutiny, the panel also considered how the MPA could best fulfil its new statutory responsibility in CDRPs. The 2002 Police Reform Act made police authorities ‘responsible authorities’ in CDRPs. Responsible authorities have the duty to jointly formulate and implement a strategy for the reduction of crime and disorder in each borough, along with other responsible authorities.

3. The report recognised that it was difficult to assess the performance of the MPS in isolation from their partners. However it made a number of recommendations that are aimed at

  • Improving the MPS’ contribution to CDRPs;
  • Improving partnership working;
  • Reducing crime and disorder, and
  • Detailing how the MPA can carry out their new responsibility.

4. The MPS have produced an implementation plan. This plan takes each of the recommendations in turn, breaks it down into key points and then into actions to achieve the key points. It will provide an easy framework to assess the progress towards each of the recommendations and highlight any difficulties. Each of the actions has a lead unit or organisation that will direct the activity to achieve that action.

C. Financial implications

1. The implementation of the recommendations from the Scrutiny has resource implications for both the MPA and MPS. The MPA have agreed to include in the budget for 2003/4 a sum of £238,000 to implement the recommendations made with regard to the MPA involvement in CDRPs.

2. Recommendation 12 states that as a high priority each BOCU is given £50,000 for partnership work. This amounts to £1.6m across the MPS. Further financial implications for the MPS will become clearer once further work is done towards meeting the ‘Key points’ in the Implementation Plan.

D. Equality and diversity implications

There are no equality and diversity implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Commander Steve Roberts, Community Safety and Partnership Unit

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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