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Report 5 of the 11 Dec 03 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and outlines the process being used and progress made in respect of each recommendation from the managing demand best value review.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Best Value Review of managing demand – implementation plan

Report: 5
Date: 11 December 2003
By: Commissioner


This report outlines the process being used and progress made in respect of each recommendation from the managing demand best value review.

A. Recommendations

That the action being taken in respect of each recommendation from the managing demand best value review and progress being made be noted.

B. Supporting information

Background to the review

1. The Managing Demand Best Value Review (MDBVR) focused on uniform response policing. The recommendations of the MDBVR as at Appendix 1 were agreed in May 2003 and seek to transform the way the MPS resolves initial calls for assistance by adopting a policing philosophy that is about ‘getting it right first time’.

Project management

2. Chief Inspector Wisbey was a member of the MDBVR Team and transferred to Territorial Policing Head Quarters (TPHQ) to provide continuity in delivering on the MDBVR recommendations.

3. A project board under the chairmanship of Commander Broadhurst meet on a bi-monthly basis to provide support and assistance. Members of the MDBVR Implementation Project Board include representatives of those who are delivering on recommendations, boroughs and staff associations.

4. An integral part of the project plan in delivering recommendations is where appropriate to incorporate them into activities already being undertaken within the MPS.

Project timescales and reporting

5. Recommendation 1: Improve customer satisfaction by better matching front counter services to demand.

The status of this recommendation is ‘on hold’ to be reviewed in March 2004. Currently assessed as low priority within the Modernising Operations Project Plan.

6. Recommendation 2: Increasing public satisfaction, achieving greater accessibility and identifying opportunities for joining up access to partners by assessing the potential value of one-stop shops, police shops and mobile police stations.

Although this recommendation is assessed as low priority within the Modernising Operations Project Plan discussions are taking place to establish whether this recommendation can be progressed in the short term thorough the MPS partnership business group.

7. Recommendation 3: To improve the resolution of non-emergency calls by developing a 'help desk' function that in the short term enhances BOCU's abilities to respond to enquiries, in the medium term to build on the capabilities of C3i and the frequently asked database and in the long term to establish a fully functioning contact team.

The issue of enhancing a BOCU’s ability to respond to non-urgent enquiries is being incorporated into the Integrated Borough Operations project. Frequently asked question databases remains an integral part of the C3i project, while the status of a centralised help desk is to be reviewed in March 2004. Funding for this scooping work is shown in the MPS Mid-Term Financial plan.

8. Recommendation 4: To improve accessibility by considering the introduction of a single non-emergency number at the earliest opportunity subject to the results of the national pilot and implementation of the C3i programme.

The progression of this recommendation is on hold pending the implementation of Metcall and the completion of the national non-emergency number pilot.

9. Recommendation 5: To improve access to the MPS website, to increase the range of services available on-line and to actively promote usage.

A project plan is being developed by the Directorate of Information (DOI) who will deliver on this recommendation.

10. Recommendation 6: Define the roles and responsibilities of response teams, setting and maintaining their target-staffing levels to better match available resources to local demand.

A PID has been produced to progress this recommendation. The final project report is to be completed by 30 January 2004.

11. Recommendation 7: To improve the quality of service by increasing the ratio of experienced staff to probationers on response teams.

This recommendation is being lead by Superintendent Locke of the Police Reform Team. A review of Special Priority Payments has been completed and the finding considered.

12. Recommendation 8: To improve the quality of front line leadership by setting and implementation of MPS standards of patrol supervision.

The work for this recommendation is currently being scoped. It will link the leadership needs in the new C3i/Intergrated Borough Operations structure.

13. Recommendation 9: To optimise the availability of resources to meet demand by developing a methodology to assess the efficiency of BOCU shift patterns.

The specifics of this recommendation are on hold. A separate piece of work has been completed that recommends the creation of an MPS Shift Work Centre of Excellence. Pending the development of that recommendation the status of this recommendation is on hold.

14. Recommendation 10: To deliver a reduction in the average time taken to attend incidents by introducing new call grading deployment protocols.

A new policy has been developed. A provisional commencement date has been set as 1 April 2004.

15. Recommendation 11: To improve the availability of resources to meet demand by introducing an MPS effective crewing policy that increases the number of single officer patrols.

A six-month pilot started at Redbridge BOCU on 1 November. It is intended to establish a second pilot and evaluate both by 31 may 2004.

16. Recommendation 12: To enlarge the skills available to BOCU’s to meet demand by providing all recruits with basic driving training and selected probationers with level two public order training.

The policy to allow probationers to undertake public order training will be put before the December Public Order Strategic Committee. Recruits are now receiving the theoretical aspect of basic driver training while at Hendon Recruit School. This recommendation is on schedule to be complete by 31 December.

17. Recommendation 13: Optimising the deployment of staff by implementing a systematic approach to retaining skills on operational teams.

This recommendation is linked to the HR Policing Plan. A specific project plan is being developed to deliver this recommendation.

18. Recommendation 14: To increase membership of the Metropolitan Special Constabulary to 1000 officers by offering the inducement of free rail travel and to improve their availability at the time of greatest demand by the introduction of service level agreements.

This recommendation is complete as far as the DMBVR is concerned. This recommendation has been superseded by an MPA/MPS project to produce an ‘Extended Police Family Strategy’.

19. Recommendation 15: To develop a marketing communication strategy that informs the public about the standard of service that can reasonably be provided by the MPS.

This recommendation is being lead by the Directorate of Public Affairs (DPA). A project plan is being developed.

20. Recommendation 16: That the MPS collaborates with other emergency services on publicity campaigns to reduce inappropriate 999 emergency calls.

This recommendation is being lead by the DPA. A project plan is being developed.

21. Recommendation 17: To develop and implement a Performance Management System encompassing measures relating to demand resolution and public satisfaction.

This recommendation is being lead by the MPS Corporate Planning Group. A project plan is being developed.

C. Equality and diversity implications

All equality implications were fully evidenced within the final DMBVR report. No new issues with regards to equality have been identified since the implementation team was formed.

D. Financial implications

All financial implications were fully evidenced within the final DMBVR report. No new financial implications have been identified since the implementation team was formed.

E. Background papers

  • Associated papers held by Chief Inspector Wisbey

F. Contact details

Report author: Chief Inspector Steve Wisbey, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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