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Report 5a of the 19 January 2005 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and outlines a way forward for the implementation of the remaining recommendation from the crime management best value review.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Crime Management Best Value review, Implementation Plan Update

Report: 5a
Date: 19 January 2005
By: Clerk


The Police Authority (through PPRC) has been monitoring the implementation of the crime management best value review since its recommendations were agreed in September 2002. Most of the recommendations made in the review have been implemented and the remaining recommendations – on the implementation of corporate borough based ‘telephone investigation bureaux’ (TIB) are progressing through C3i. This report outlines a way forward for the implementation of the remaining recommendation and the future involvement of PPRC in monitoring the implementation of the improvement plan.

A. Recommendations


  1. Members agree to sign off the implementation of the crime management best value review as complete.
  2. Members agree to follow-up the progress of telephone investigation bureaux through its commitment to oversee the MPS approach to improving responsiveness.

B. Supporting information

1. A best value review of crime management was undertaken by the MPS during 2001 and 2002, resulting in a number of recommendations aimed at improving the approach to crime management taken by the service. An implementation plan was agreed by PPRC on 19th September 2002.

2. Since that time, the Committee has been receiving regular updates on the progress being made by the project board on implementing the recommendations. The Committee received a report in July 2004 indicating that all the recommendations, except those relating to the establishment of a central telephone investigation bureau, were complete.

3. During 2003 the decision to develop a central TIB was reversed following the decision to withdraw the funding (in order to meet savings requirements). In response to this, TP have developed a corporate, borough-based response. Members have been updated on the scope of these TIB and following an evaluation, currently being rolled out across the 32 boroughs (See complementary report from the Commissioner).

4. In light of the progress being made by TP on this final recommendation, Members are asked to consider whether continuing to receive 6 monthly update reports on the implementation of the best value review implementation plan remains appropriate.

5. The committee has considered having ‘thematic’ meetings, aimed at considering particular issues in depth, e.g. alcohol related crime and disorder. It is likely that one of these themes will be ‘Responsiveness’, reflecting its importance as a (draft) policing plan control strategy and the importance placed on this by Londoners and the Home Office (through the white paper and the national policing plan). An update of the progress being made by TIB particularly in terms of improving access to crime reporting processes to Londoners could be scrutinised within this theme.

6. The review was inspected by HMIC during 2002. The service was rated as ‘fair’ with ‘promising’ prospects for improvement. It is very unlikely that there will be any further inspection activity related to this best value review.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no race and equality implications to agreeing the recommendations of this report. However, it is envisaged that the development of TIB will allow greater access to crime reporting processes, thereby making it more accessible to vulnerable Londoners, where underreporting of crime is a problem. Any future monitoring by this committee should consider whether this has been achieved.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications to agreeing the recommendations of this report. However, as the complementary report by the Commissioner points out, a total of £2.5 million has been set aside during 2004-05 to develop TIB and obtain the necessary equipment and facilities to allow roll out with Metcall. Any future monitoring will need to ensure that this budget has been used effectively.

E. Background papers

  • Crime Management Best Value Review Report to committee 18 April and 19 September 2002
  • Crime Management, Inspection of Best Value Review, August 2002
  • Update reports to Committee, March 03, Oct 03, Apr 04 and Jul 04

F. Contact details

Report authors: Siobhan Coldwell, MPA

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