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MPS rape performance

Report: 8
Date: 8 December 2005
By: Commissioner


The scrutiny report listed 38 recommendations in relation to rape investigation by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). Progress on each of these is detailed at Appendix 1. Of the 38, 33 are considered to be complete except those now listed below.

A. Recommendation

That the report be received.

B. Supporting information

Progress on MPA Scrutiny Recommendations

1. Rec 6 – The MPS should review the coverage of Sexual Offence Investigative Techniques (SOIT) officers with a recommendation that there should be well-trained dedicated teams, providing 24-hour coverage across London and that the number of trained SOIT officers should reflect this need.

Progress – The provision by borough’s of a dedicated SOIT team for response to rape allegations is mandatory as of the revised Police Notice that sets out the Standard Operating Procedures (01/2005). It has been identified however that compliance is not 100% and this issue formed part of the Service Review on rape recently ordered by the Commissioner. Principal barriers to success here arise from the lack of availability of trained SOITs still willing to perform the role (the MPS has in excess of 2000 SOIT trained staff, but use of the skill is currently on a voluntary basis), and identifying a corporate ‘Out-of-Hours On-Call’ process that meets the needs of victims and employment regulations. Methods to overcome this are a line of work stemming from the Rape Review.

2. Rec 25 – Measures of attrition should be developed for rape cases, to put the judicial disposal rate into context, including conviction rate measurement, and

Rec 27 – The MPA supports the introduction of case trackers in the MPS to monitor attrition rates and to ensure feedback to victims and other agencies.

Progress – The MPS is piloting a Case Tracking system at Newham that will identify attrition points and conviction rates. Currently, case tracking/conviction rate measurements are not maintained for any offence. Subject to a review of the progress of the pilot Sapphire will develop a case tracking template for use by boroughs in rape cases if delays are otherwise anticipated. Training on attrition awareness issues is now built into every level of training, from first contact through to forensic/medical care and SOIT support. The lack of investigator specific training for rape, to compliment that of SOIT training, is recognised as a weakness within the Rape Review and is being remedied through a series of special interest training days in the short term while a specific programme is developed. Good practice on successful rape investigation was identified during the review in a series of two day visits to the better and poorer performing boroughs as measured by their detection rates.

3. Rec 35 – The MPS Child Protection Team should develop a pilot site for providing multi-agency victim care for victims of child abuse, including stranger rape offences.

Progress – Operation Amethyst deals with the establishment of dedicated sites for forensic examination and aftercare of child victims in non-acute cases. A forensic review of best practice for acute cases has recognised that these are best met in the first instance through the ‘gold standard’ service offered by the Havens. The pilot site for the first such Amethyst suite is scheduled to open in Spring 2006 in North West London in a partnership between MPS Child Protection (SCD5) and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs).

4. Rec 36 – Gang rape appears to be a growing problem in London and a joint agency approach to look at this problem is required, to include MPS, schools, crime and disorder partnerships and other relevant agencies.

Progress – An intelligence overview of Group Rape was completed in June 2004 covering two years data and the findings have been recently reviewed by academics from the London Metropolitan University following a request from Territorial Policing (TP) Commander-Crime. The primary data source for intelligence on group rape is the Sapphire sexual offences intelligence unit. The number of allegations of group rape/indecent assaults actually fell year on year in the period examined; November 2001 to October 2003, and data is available for discussion. Discussion with partners at the Home Office has resulted in the latter developing a sexual assault strategy cross cutting government departments to which the MPS has contributed. The specific issue of group rape remains part of the strategy action plan for Sapphire that has recently been revised following consultation with partners.

Impact of Havens on the treatment of rape victims
This is recognised as a huge success story for the Sapphire partnership.

5. Following the first site at Camberwell opening in 2001, the final two sites at Paddington and Whitechapel have both now opened (March 2004 and June 2004 respectively). They now offer a Pan London service to victims of rape and serious sexual assault on a 24-hour basis. They provide holistic care from a single site, including gold standard forensic evidence collection, on-going treatment, counselling and follow-up specialist support. All core staff are forensically trained female doctors and nurses. This gender specific approach was reviewed by Counsel on behalf of MPS Legal Services and found to be appropriate and lawful as a Genuine Occupational Qualification under the Sex Discrimination Act.

6. Havens accept victims through police referral or by self-referral, the latter being an increasing percentage of their work as the good news spreads. Victims who self refer have the opportunity to have contact with police. Anonymous data from the Havens is forwarded for intelligence purposes where the victim consents.

7. A six-month review of the Haven service and user data has been conducted by the Internal Consultancy Group (ICG) of the MPS ending January 2005. A copy of their findings is at Appendix 2. User feedback was obtained through questionnaires from victims and SOITs and the findings were comprehensively ‘good news’ on how the partnership is meeting the victim care objective:

Service User Statistical Data

  • 95% of Haven users are female
  • 88% of offences involved a single perpetrator
  • 85% of examinations arose from police referrals
  • 81% of all users are under 35
  • 4% are children under 12 and 22% are aged 13 to 17
  • 29% of users were from a black and minority ethnic background

User feedback on medical examinations

  • 100% felt the doctor was easy to understand
  • 96% felt the doctor was professional
  • 94% felt the doctor was concerned for the users well-being

User feedback on Haven Service

  • 95% of users were very satisfied/satisfied with the overall level of service

User feedback on SOITs

  • 82% of users reported a high level of satisfaction with the service provided by their SOIT
  • 59% of users reported a waiting time of less than 30 minutes for the arrival of a SOIT

The review also identified some of the challenges that exist with investigating rape as well:

  • 10% of users had learning difficulties
  • 11% had experienced domestic violence
  • 28% had psychiatric needs
  • 29% had self harmed

Haven management restructure

8. Following consultation with partners, management of the Havens now falls to a ‘London Haven Strategic Board’, supported by sub groups in Haven Management, Finance, Clinical and Training, and Paediatrics.

9. This recognises the transition from implementation to one of long-term management and governance.

10. Current running costs exceed the agreed budget. This is being reviewed by the Finance Sub-Group and finance managers to identify opportunities for savings and to present an updated report to MPA/PCTs on future anticipated costs. As part of this review, consideration was given as to the ability of the existing three Havens to meet the demand of predicted growth in referrals. It is anticipated that these sites will meet demand until 2010.

Progress of Sapphire

New Sapphire Lead

11. Detective Chief Inspector Dave Osborn ( was selected for the vacancy within Territorial Policing (Crime) in April 2005 to lead Sapphire. He now heads the Project Team, the Cold Case Rape Investigation Team and the Intelligence Unit, and is chair of the London Haven Strategic Board.

12. A strategy Action Plan has been developed with partners that now aligns projects to ‘Policy and Partnership’, ‘Performance and Compliance’ and ‘Intelligence’. The project areas recognise the academic research of Professor Kelly et al (2005) on attrition as well as learning identified by scrutinies and thematic inspections.

Rape Review

13. Since June 2005 the availability of wider performance data on rape has resulted in a service wide review ordered by the Commissioner. Specifically this looked into why there is such a variation between boroughs in their detection rates, and the rates of No and Not Crime classifications of rape allegations. The review was under the direction of Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick, and is led by the Project Team alongside staff working to Professor Betsy Stanko. The Executive Summary is reproduced as follows:

Executive Summary

1.1.1 More than fifteen years ago, the current Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, demonstrated his commitment to the victims of rape by writing a book on best practice in rape investigation. Consistent with the Commissioner’s emphasis on citizen focus and tackling men of violence, Sir Ian Blair wants to ensure that the Metropolitan Police Service delivers a consistently excellent quality of service to the victims of rape.

1.1.2 The MPS is identified by many, both inside and outside the police service, as a centre of excellence for rape investigation. Its commitment is demonstrated by its continued financial support for Sexual Assault Referral Centres (Havens), by the ‘cold case’ process of reviewing previously reported offences of rape and by the development of best practice through Central Project Sapphire, a team of experienced and dedicated detectives and police staff.

1.1.3 This report covers the findings of a limited review of rape investigation within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The review found differences in the proportion of offences ‘solved’ and the proportion of allegations recorded as ‘no crime’ or ‘not crime’ in different parts of London. The review concluded that these variations were the result of differences in the characteristics of the offence and differences in the characteristics of the investigation. Without detailed case-by-case analysis, it is not possible to determine the extent to which police performance affected the outcome of the investigation.

1.1.4 Qualitative work on a sample of London boroughs confirms the policy and procedures established under the MPS Project Sapphire in December 2001 still represent best practice for producing excellent outcomes for both victims and the police contribution to the Criminal Justice process. The review suggests improvements to ensure better compliance with existing best practice.

1.2 The review identified many examples of commitment and professionalism by well-resourced local Sapphire Teams in many parts of London, delivering a quality, ethical services that are meeting the needs of victims.

1.3 Performance as currently measured shows a wide variation in the proportion of rape allegations solved and the proportion of rape allegations that are eventually classified as crimes in different parts of London. The review found that victim satisfaction does not carry sufficient weight as a measure of success.

1.4 The Commissioner asked Brian Paddick, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing, to conduct a review to investigate these variations, to identify best practice and to make recommendations for their adoption across London.

1.5 This review draws together quantitative research by the Directorate of Strategic Development into rape allegations reported in April and May 2005, and qualitative research by a team from Project Sapphire from visits to selected boroughs to identify good practice.

1.6 The research, quantitative and qualitative, into individual cases was limited to the information contained in the crime reports recorded on the Metropolitan Police Crime Reporting Information System (CRIS). It was not possible within the timescales available to question investigating officers about what they had recorded on, or may have omitted from, the CRIS.

1.7 Rape is often a very complex and complicated event. The quantitative research showed a range of factors, ‘characteristics of the offence’, which had an impact on the way allegations of rape were classified and on their solvability. These factors such as gender, mental health, alcohol consumption, ethnicity, age, offence location, victim-assailant relationship, the time taken to report the incident and attendance at a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (Haven) all influenced the outcome of the investigation and the believability of the allegation. None of these factors present uniquely in each case. It is therefore almost impossible to say which of them, individually or collectively, is causing the variations in borough performance.

1.8 The review found these characteristics are often considered against a public and criminal justice perception of what constitutes rape. There remains a need for attitudinal change within the criminal justice system and society in general, that consent to intimacy does not entitle a man the right to intercourse without informed consent.

1.9 There are many personal obstacles for victims who report rape. Many victims are vulnerable and intimidated, not only by suspects but by the criminal justice process. As a consequence these issues contribute significantly towards attrition and need to be addressed by a tailored training programme involving police and partner agencies.

1.10 The qualitative research showed a range of factors, ‘characteristics of the investigation’, which appeared to have an impact on both the proportion of crimes ‘solved’ and the level of care afforded to victims. Such factors as prioritisation of rape investigation over other offences, best advantage taken of the ‘Golden Hour’ and critical reviews of investigations, supervision, partnerships with other agencies, dedicated investigators working closely with dedicated Sexual Offences Investigation Techniques Trained (SOIT) officers, use of forensics, training, senior management team leadership, the use of intelligence and a victim-led approach all influenced the outcome of investigations. These are entirely consistent with established policy and procedures developed by MPS Project Sapphire. It is adherence to existing best practice that needs to be addressed to ensure a consistently excellent service is delivered across London to the victims of rape.

1. 11 The variations in the proportion of rape allegations solved, and the proportion of rape allegations that are eventually classified as crimes, are dependent on characteristics of the offence and characteristics of the investigation. For this reason, it is not possible to determine the performance of the police in rape investigation in different parts of London simply by looking at the variation in the currently produced crime statistics.

1.12 The review identified the need for further research into mental health and alcohol related issues in relation to rape investigation.

1.13 The MPS operates in an environment where success is measured against MPS and Home Office performance targets for detections and crime reduction. As a consequence, in some parts of London investigative resources tend to be focussed on those rape offences that are likely to result in detection. The complexities of rape allegations, in particular negating a defence of consent, can lead to an investigation falling short of a prosecution. Under the current performance regime this can be seen as a failure. To this extent, performance driven targets fail to take into account victims needs, and whether police action meets those needs.

1.14 To improve compliance with existing policy, the review recommends that the authority not to record an allegation of rape as a crime (‘No Crime’ or ‘Not Crime’) is restricted to the Central Project Sapphire Team to ensure a consistent approach.

1.15 The review recommends the removal of the separate performance target for non-sanctioned detections (a provable case that it is not in the public interest to prosecute) so as to focus effort on securing sanction detections (where there is a judicial disposal e.g. a prosecution). It is however, important to retain the overall detection rate measure to provide an accurate picture of the proportion of rape offences where the offender has been identified.

1.16 The review supports the co-locating of Sapphire Teams (rape investigation), Child Abuse Investigation Teams (CAIT), Community Safety Units (hate crime and domestic violence investigation), Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements teams (Operation Jigsaw) and Missing Persons teams (Operation Compass) under one Public Protection command, to improve the sharing of intelligence and hence the service delivered to vulnerable victims. The review supports the need for distinct and separate, ring-fenced, teams of specialist and dedicated investigators for each offence type rather than a pool of investigators who could investigate any one of these offence types.

Cold Case

14. This has been a considerable success story for the MPS. The team was established in February 2003 and has been in its current format since September 2004.

15. All ‘Stranger 1’ rape offences between 1987 and 1995 have been reviewed for new forensic opportunities.

16. 353 cases have been reviewed to-date. 101 named suspects have been identified, of which 30 remain live investigations with the remaining being completed investigations. 87 further DNA profiles of unknown suspects have also been identified.

17. These known suspects are arrested and charged by the Cold Case Team and borough Sapphire teams following investigation. They provide victims of historic offences a criminal justice opportunity, and attract excellent media coverage for the MPS and its commitment to rape investigation.

C. Race and equality impact

1. Service Policy in relation to the investigation of rape and serious sexual assault was revised and republished in January 2005. It followed consultation with partners and was subject to a review against the obligations under the Race Relations Amendment Act and overseen by the Policy Steering House MPS. Nothing has been highlighted within the policy that is considered to apply different levels of service or treatment to victims other than in meeting their specific needs.

2. Monitoring of the ethnicity of service providers at the Havens is currently conducted within their Human Resource processes. While results are not currently gathered for circulation, it is known there is a wide diversity both amongst the medical staff and support/after care workers.

3. The 29% of black and minority ethnic users of the Havens that was identified within the ICG report matches the black and minority ethnic population of London. Wider research into the ethnicity of victims alleging rape was conducted as part of the Rape Review. This showed a level of disproportionality in the level of assaults reported by White – North European, Black and Asian when compared to the census data but no significant difference in the proportions of allegations confirmed as crime when measured by ethnicity.

D. Financial implications

1. Additional internal resources will be met through standard internal MPS reviews and submissions on staffing and finances.

2. However, as stated under Haven update above, current running costs for the three Havens exceed the agreed budget that was proposed/agreed prior to the two North London sites opening. This is being reviewed by the Finance Sub-Group (chaired by Ken Hunt, MPA Finance Lead) and Haven Finance Managers to identify opportunities for savings and to present an updated report to MPA/PCTs on future anticipated costs.

3. Twelve-month funding has been approved from the Home Office to meet the employment costs of a Youth Support Worker. This role will work with victims in the age range 13 – 15 years, and deliver educational training to schools. The post is considered important for future development of the Haven facilities and in meeting the needs of all victims. A review will be made within the Finance Group of ongoing costs to meet this post if appropriate.

4. Responsibility for training of medical examiners etc is moving to the Havens. It is anticipated this will be a self-funding post.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Dave Osborn, Detective Chief Inspector, TP Sapphire.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

List of abbreviations

  • SOIT – Sexual Offence Investigative Techniques
  • MPS – Metropolitan Police Service
  • MPA – Metropolitan Police Authority
  • ICG – Internal Consultancy Group
  • PCT – Primary Care Trust
  • TP – Territorial Policing

Appendix 1: Update of progress relating to MPA recommendations

Recommendation 1
The MPS should ensure that all officers and staff who make take a call, take a front counter report or respond to a call for assistance from a victim of rape have received basic training and guidance on dealing with victims appropriately and on early evidence procedures.

2. A Seminar for Station Reception Officers (62 attended) was held in September 2002, another is planned for January 2003 (over hundred attending).

3. Training for first response officers was delivered to Borough trainers in October 2002. This training is now being rolled out by trainers throughout Boroughs.

4. Probationer and post foundation training has been improved.

5. Early Evidence Kits have been distributed throughout boroughs with appropriate instruction.

The Sapphire Team retain a dedicated post for training development. Training for Station Reception Staff is now included in their induction programme. Training for 999 staff is delivered every 6 weeks by a member of the Project Sapphire Team. The same training is in hand to be delivered to MetCall staff as this rolls out under C3i. Recruits receive first contact training as part of their structured probationary training programme.


Recommendation 2
Information leaflets detailing the services provided to victims of rape and explaining what will happen next should be available at all victim examination suites and police station front counters.

6. Leaflets have been designed but await proof reading and publishing.

Leaflets now exist as part of the information supplied by SOITs. These are available in multiple languages.


Recommendation 3
SOIT Officers should receive basic training in investigation skills but the role of SOIT officer should remain distinct from the investigator role

7. The role of SOIT officer will remain distinct from the investigator. The SOIT course has been reviewed and a new extended course starts in January 2003 (the length of the course is now 10 days rather than 7).

SOIT training has now been extended to 15 days and includes a week of training in interviewing skills (Achieving Best Evidence in visually recorded statements). All previously trained SOITs without the new training have received an updated interview module. Advanced interviewing skills are trained for those who have received the basic course and had a year practicing those skills. This course (1 week) is run in conjunction with ‘Voice UK’, a charity that supports individuals with learning difficulties, and interviewees actually have these learning difficulties.


Recommendation 4
Guidance on victim support services should be developed for SOIT officers, including when to refer victims to a counselling service and the support services that are available in London for victims of sexual assaults.

8. The review of the current SOIT course took this into account.

A witness care / support programme now exists within Criminal Justice Units, where MPS Policy on rape investigations dictates that there is a dedicated CJU point of contact for rape cases. An input on VSS services is part of SOIT training.


Recommendation 5
SOIT Officers should all be offered regular OH support as a matter of course and the OH Dept. should ensure that all their staff are aware of their responsibilities to support SOIT officers. If appropriate OH support cannot be provided within the MPS, alternative counselling should be delivered by a recognised and accredited outside counselling agency

9. A working group has been formed and the role of SOIT officer is being risk assessed. A business case for ‘SOIT officer needs’ has been forwarded to the MPS Occupational Health department for agreement.

SOIT deployment remains a voluntary basis. The Crime Academy at Hendon is working with Sapphire in developing a pre-selection interview and accreditation package for the SOIT course that will include an OH element, however OH referral is currently available to all. The specific SOIT role is recognised by OH.


Recommendation 6
The MPS should review the coverage of SOIT officers with a recommendation that there should be well-trained dedicated teams, providing 24-hour coverage across London and that the number of trained SOIT officers should reflect this need.

10. Special Police Notice 11/02 was issued in August 2002 and stated as policy that Boroughs should have dedicated SOIT teams. There are now 31 boroughs with a dedicated SOIT officer response. Sutton borough is negotiating with Croydon on whether it can brigade its resources.

The provision by borough’s of a dedicated SOIT team for response to rape allegations is mandatory as of the revised Police Notice that sets out the Standard Operating Procedures (01/05). It has been identified however that compliance is not 100% and this issue forms part of the Service Review on rape recently ordered by the Commissioner. Principal barriers to success here arise from the lack of availability of trained SOITs still willing to perform the role (the MPS has in excess of 2000 SOIT trained staff, but use of the skill is currently on a voluntary basis), and identifying a corporate ‘Out-of-Hours On-Call’ process that meets the needs of victims and employment regulations. It is anticipated that these will be overcome through recommendations in the current service review.


Recommendation 7
The MPS should develop a code of conduct for SOIT officers, which should be used by managers in the supervision of SOIT officers.

11. A new SOIT officer manual is being written to cover this recommendation.

SOIT officer training has been comprehensively revised and is being developed still further as per Rec 5 response. All staff are subject to a Code of Conduct, and Policy dictates that all contact between SOIT and victim is recorded in a SOIT Log.


Recommendation 8
All SOIT officers should receive line management control and supervision for their role including a system of appraisal. SOIT officer skills and experience should be recognised when they are trying to further their careers.

12. It is published policy (Special Policy Notice 11/02) that SOIT Officers should now be under the control and guidance of a SOIT Co-ordinator also responsible for supervision and welfare.

See Rec 5 response re accreditation programme. Service Policy directs that SOITs are managed and supported by boroughs.


Recommendation 9
The MPS should develop and keep updated a database of FMEs and SOEs including their availability, geographical areas covered, ethnicity, gender, costs and level of skills

13. DPCS(9) have the information (other than ethnicity) held in various formats. The Pan London Haven Implementation Group is taking this issue into account in respect of doctors appointed to the new Havens.

All forensic medical examinations are now conducted by trained female doctors attached to each Haven sites. 24/7 cover is provided at all sites. Costs are maintained within the accounts of each Haven by finance managers and overseen by the Finance Sub Group of the London Haven Strategic Board.


Recommendation 10
The MPS should work with the NHS to review how more female and visible ethnic minority SOEs can be recruited

14. In light of progress with ‘Havens’ for pan London this recommendation has not commenced.

All medical examiners within Havens are female as a default position, and this has been reviewed and agreed by MPS Legal Services after Counsel advice as an appropriate Genuine Occupational Qualification that complies with the Sex Discrimination Act. Ethnicity is monitored specifically through HR processes of the Havens and is being collated for analysis, but it is known that white English Dr’s are in the minority at Haven sites.


Recommendation 11
Contracts for SOEs should be developed to include how their performance should be assessed and how the quality of care provided is to be monitored.

As recommendation 10

An ICG survey of service user feedback revealed this year that 100% of users felt the Dr was easy to understand and this fell to only 94% when asked whether the Dr was concerned for the user’s well being. 96% of users felt the Dr was professional. Medical examiners are employed by the Primary Care Trusts and this includes clinical assessment as an annual appraisal. Sapphire are invited to be panel members as part of a joint selection panel for all key Haven posts.

This user feedback is an ongoing process.


Recommendation 12
A review should be conducted of the training and that is currently provided to SOEs attending sexual assault offences. All SOEs should be provided with appropriate training in communication with victims, victim care and evidence taking for sexual offences

As recommendation 10

Sapphire / Havens now facilitate ‘Adult Rape Examination’ and ‘Acute Paediatric Examination’ Courses for medical examiners and support staff as part of a recognised programme of training.


Recommendation 13
The MPS should develop a system for updating SOEs on the progress of a case and the outcome of the investigations.

As recommendation 10

This is recommended to boroughs as good and courteous practice. It is proposed that compliance will be built into case tracking recommendations


Recommendation 14
The evaluation of the pilot forensic nurse scheme in Manchester should be considered to see if it is appropriate for use in London

15. The scheme has been visited (Nov 02). An evaluation report by Home Office is due mid 03. Until such time no information can be released by the scheme.

Sapphire have not seen the Home Office report mentioned above, but current policy has developed into good practice being recognised as having the current Haven structure.


Recommendation 15
Two further SARCs should be developed in London to provide a pan London coverage. These should be partly funded by the NHS and the MPS should give consideration for other partnership and sponsorship funding

16. Agreement reached with the Strategic Health Authority for the funding of three Havens providing pan London coverage to be shared equally between the MPS and the Health Service (top sliced from the 32 Primary Health Care Trusts). Funding has been approved from both the MPA and the Strategic Heath Authority.

17. Implementation of the two new Havens has started and it is projected that the two new Havens will be opened in June / July 2003 at St Mary's, Paddington and Barts and the Royal London (Whitechapel).

18. Implementation is taking account of a range of views from different groups (professional and voluntary) as to any improvements that need to be made to the current service delivered at the Haven, Camberwell.

Haven facilities at Paddington (April 04) and Whitechapel (June 04) are now opened. Alongside Camberwell, the three sites now offer 24/7 provision of forensic examination and aftercare to victims of rape across London, accepting both Police referred victims and also self-referrals. They continue to be jointly funded by the police and Primary Care Trusts


Recommendation 16
The new SARCs should learn from the evaluation of other SARC models, including the Haven, particularly in consideration of counselling facilities and victim referral to counselling organisations. Wide consultation with interested agencies, such as the IAG, victim support organisations, paediatricians and voluntary organisations should be carried out when developing the new centres.

19. The Pan London Haven Implementation Group are consulting with all interested parties including the IAG and volunteer counselling services in respect of any improvements that may need to be made to the current specification delivered at the Haven, Camberwell.


Recommendation 17
As new SARCs are developed VESs should be phased out in London, however, until London has comprehensive coverage of SARCs, VESs should be managed and maintained to a corporate standard. The IAG should assist in developing these standards and providing a monitoring role.

20. Members of the IAG have visited all VESs in the MPS and reported on failings that have subsequently been rectified. Further visits are on the IAH agenda for 2003.

All examinations of rape and sexual assault victims are now conducted at Haven sites. VESs have been phased out.


Recommendation 18
The MPS should work with victim support organisations and voluntary agencies to ensure that victims are provided with appropriate and validated counselling

21. The IAG has members from both organisations .The Special Police Notice states as policy that victims needs are paramount within an investigation with these needs being met through appropriate referral to outside agencies.

Sapphire deliver awareness training to VSS through their central training programme. VSS London and support agencies are represented on Sapphire IAG and work collaboratively in project development.


Recommendation 19
Working relationships with the CPS should be improved and the system of file exchange for rape cases should be examined. Relationships could be improved if dedicated sexual offence clerks were in place in the MPS Criminal Justice Units and if the CPS were to consider specialist sexual offence staff.

22. Special Notice 11-02 stated as policy the need to have dedicated case clerks for CJUs for rape and sexual assault cases. These posts are being rolled out on boroughs.

CPS now employ specially trained staff as part of their own policy on the prosecution of rape offences.


Recommendation 20
A joint MPS/CPS review of support provided to victims attending court should be carried out, including the information given to victims and pre-trial visits organised, in co-ordination with the victim support and the witness protection service.

23. Case trackers selected but await posting. The current moratorium on transfers into Territorial Policing Head quarters is delaying the start of this work.

Support to victims and witnesses is now comprehensive through the development of joint training between Police, SOITs, VSS and Court victim services.


Recommendation 21
The MPS should ensure that rape investigation and victim care has a clear chief officer responsibility.

24. Commander Quick is the MPS lead officer for rape investigation.

This role is within the responsibility area for Commander Crime, Territorial Policing.


Recommendation 22
The improvement of rape investigation and victim care should be part of core business, rather than a project, with a permanent central co-ordinating unit.

25. Project Sapphire is now 'Sapphire', a central co-ordinating unit for sexual offences and rape.


Recommendation 23
Minimum standards are developed for the investigation of rape and victim care.

26. Special Police Notice 11/02 published.

Updated and republished in January 2005 (Notice 01/05)


Recommendation 24
Dedicated sexual offence investigation teams should be developed for all boroughs including dedicated investigative officers wherever possible. Where boroughs do not have enough rape crimes reported to warrant a dedicated team, there should be brigading with other boroughs.

27. Thirty-one boroughs have a dedicated SOIT team or a team brigaded with a neighbouring borough. Some boroughs also have dedicated investigative teams (Lambeth, Camden, Croydon, Enfield and Waltham Forest). Sutton borough is currently negotiating with Croydon borough on the resources commitment required to brigade.

Dedicated teams for rape investigations are now mandatory across each borough, and complied with either within a single borough or through brigading of resources with outlying neighbouring boroughs. An audit of allocated resources and out of hours coverage is part of the Service Review on rape.


Recommendation 25
Measures of attrition should be developed for rape cases, to put the judicial disposal rate into context, including conviction rate measurement.

28. Case trackers identified but await posting. The current moratorium on transfers into Territorial Policing Head quarters is delaying the start of this work.

The MPS is piloting a Case Tracking system at Newham that will identify attrition points and conviction rates. Case tracking / conviction rate measurements are not maintained for any offence. Subject to a review of the progress of the pilot Sapphire will develop a case tracking template for use by boroughs in rape cases if delays are otherwise anticipated. Training on attrition issues is now built into every level of training, from first contact through to forensic / medical care and OIT support. The lack of investigator specific training for rape, to compliment that of SOIT training, is recognised as a weakness and is being remedied through a series of special interest training days in the short term while a specific programme is developed. The service review includes 2-day visits to better performing boroughs and those performing less well to identify good practice on rape investigation that will be shared across the Service.


Recommendation 26
Qualitative monitoring of the service provided to victims should be developed, e.g. through victim surveys. This should include breakdowns by gender, ethnic group, age and crime types, where possible, to target the diverse needs of victims. Surveys should be carried out sensitively, taking into account victims’ needs.

29. Survivor questionnaires have been developed and await comment by the IAG and academic experts. It is intended to visit pre agreed survivors (identified by Borough SOIT officers) to complete the questionnaire with community volunteers.

Service User questionnaires are now conducted by ICG via the Havens. Current findings are in the ICG report published May 2005. Service user data on the above categories is maintained by the Havens and shared with Sapphire / IAG.


Recommendation 27
The MPA supports the introduction of case trackers in the MPS to monitor attrition rates and to ensure feedback to victims and other agencies.

30. Case trackers identified but await posting. The current moratorium on transfers into Territorial Policing Head quarters is delaying the start of this work.

See rec 26 response.

Recommendation 28
The MPS should ensure that the national database on rape cases is regularly updated with cases reported in London and ensure compliance with quality standards.

31. The backlog of cases at SO11 has been removed. Borough and Sapphire are currently working to remove the ‘borough‘ case backlog. This should be complete by Jan 03.

All closed investigations are now forwarded direct for filing. ‘Flagging’ of relevant cases is done during investigations for SCAS compliance.


Recommendation 29
The MPS should review its forensic submission procedure for rape cases.

32. A New Forensic submission policy was completed in Oct 2001. A review has been completed (Oct 2002) and final report submitted.

The MPS now has a dedicated Sexual Assault Forensic Manager overseeing development of policy, and maintenance of standards at Havens. A dedicated Sexual Assault fingerprint Team now operates at NSY as of May 2005, and every Borough now has two Sexual Offence Liaison Officers, trained forensic practitioners to support borough investigations.


Recommendation 30
The MPS should continue the current good work with the IAG by increasing timely consultation on strategies, victim surveys and on crime prevention campaigns. The IAG should also be provided with progress against Project Sapphire aims and performance monitoring data.

33. Performance data is published and distributed to the IAG. There are also updates in relation to the business plan. In addition, the IAG is about to embark on specific case review. Membership is being reviewed by the group with the intention of extending to ‘hard to reach groups’.

Consultation is achieved through dedicated IAG meetings to which Sapphire DCI and AC TP are invited. Membership is comprehensive. Chair of IAG is standing member of London Havens Strategic Board. All policy is appropriately consulted on during development. Performance data is shared.


Recommendation 31
Information on reported rape offences and other performance indicators should be provided to local forums in a consistent manner by each borough in the MPS.

34. Up to date presentations on current issues on rape, including performance, are being given to Borough SMTs. Quarterly standardised performance tables are distributed to all boroughs.

Performance data now circulated weekly to borough commanders and investigation teams now includes No / Not Crime data as well as detections. Sharing with local partners is standard and encouraged. The data is shared routinely with key strategic partners through Strategic Boards and IAG meetings.


Recommendation 32
Training and guidance should be produced for SOIT officers and first response staff including information regarding rates of false reporting, levels of stranger and known rapist attacks and details about victims’ needs and reactions when reporting.

35. Special Police Notice 11/02 covers these areas. In addition, the review of SOIT training takes these issues into account.

SOITs receive this as part of their enhanced training programme. First response training remains a local delivery and is recognised as best practice. The widest issues on training at all levels remain a core part of strategic Action Plan.


Recommendation 33
The MPA supports the change in responsibility for child stranger rape cases from Territorial Policing to Child Protection Teams.

36. An implementation plan is being drawn up to transfer responsibility from TP to the Child Protection OCU (SO5).

This matter has been subject of review between SCD5 and Sapphire (TP), and all stranger rapes are dealt with by sapphire due to resourcing implications.


Recommendation 34
The Haven and any new SARCs should not be considered best practice as locations for taking child victims of stranger sexual abuse. The MPS should review the locations for child victims and provide guidance to officers.

37. DAC Howlett is the lead for this recommendation. This issue forms part of the restructuring plan for Child Protection Units (see recommendation 33).

Reviews and policy development have now shown the Havens to be the gold standard for sexual assaults on persons of any age where the situation is defined as ‘acute’. Child cases that are non-acute are examined at dedicated paediatric sites in a partnership with SCD5.


Recommendation 35
The MPS Child Protection Team should develop a pilot site for providing multi-agency victim care for victims of child abuse, including stranger rape offences.

38. As recommendation 33.

Operation Amethyst deals with the establishment of dedicated sites for forensic examination and aftercare of child victims in non-acute cases. A forensic review of best practice for acute cases has recognised that these are best met in the first instance through the ‘gold standard’ service offered by the Havens. The pilot site for the first such Amethyst suite is scheduled to open later this year in NW London in a partnership between MPS Child Protection (SCD5) and PCTs


Recommendation 36
Gang rape appears to be a growing problem in London and a joint agency approach to look at this problem is required, to include MPS, schools, crime and disorder partnerships and other relevant agencies.

39. Analysis by SO11 into this issue has commenced; further information / analysis will be required for strategic problem solving.

An intelligence overview of Group Rape was completed in June 2004 covering 2 years data. The primary data source for intelligence on group rape is the Sapphire sexual offences intelligence unit. The number of allegations of group rape / indecent assaults actually fell year on year in the period examined; Nov 2001 to October 2003, and data is available for discussion. Discussion with partners at the Home Office has resulted in the latter developing a Sexual assault strategy cross cutting government departments to which the MPS has contributed. The specific issue of group rape remains part of the strategy action plan for Sapphire that has recently been revised following consultation with partners.


Recommendation 37
The MPA supports the progress being made in tackling child trafficking. In particular support is given for increased sentencing for this crime and for the development of witness protection and victim support services for victims.

40. Work is ongoing in respect of activity to detect and reduce child trafficking. The MPS has requested that the Policing Plan for 2003/4 takes account of this work.

Tackling the trafficking of people is now included in the current Policing Plan. Operation Maxim is the lead within the MPS for targeting criminal networks involved in organised immigration crime, working together with UK Immigration and Passport Services.


Recommendation 38
The MPS supports the development of preventative campaigns against mini-cab rape and drug rape crimes and recommends that these should cover all boroughs in the MPS.

41. A London wide preventative campaign entitled 'Know what you are getting into' warning of the dangers of illegal minicabs was launched as a joint initiative between Sapphire, the Mayor of London and the City of London police in October ‘02.

42. In addition to posters on the London Underground, a short film has been created and will be shown in cinemas throughout London prior to Christmas. The launch of this advert is taking place on Wednesday 18 December at the Café de Paris.

43. A national campaign to warn of the dangers of 'drug rape' was instigated in November '02 by the advertising company Bartle, Bogle and Hegarty in partnership with Sapphire and the MPS. BBH produced a poster that has been put up at 300 sites on the London Underground. BBH also enabled a television advert to be produced that has been shown on terrestrial television in the lead up to Christmas.

Work continues with MPA & GLA in an awareness and prevention programme that has included ‘Know what you are getting into’ and ‘Who is watching your drink’


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