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Report 13 of the 24 April 2006 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and presents an action plan to improve PNC performance in the MPS.

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An action plan to improve PNC performance in the MPS

Report: 13
Date: 24 April 2006
By: Commissioner


In February 2005 HMIC visited the MPS and completed a PNC Compliance Inspection throughout the MPS and rated the MPS as ‘poor’. On behalf of the MPS SCD10(5) has produced a broad based action plan to address these concerns. Significant progress is being made in implementing the plan but significant sustainable improvement in performance is unlikely to be seen before May 2006. The ACPO chair for the PNC Strategic Committee AC Ghaffur is overseeing implementation of the HMIC recommendations.

A. Recommendation

That the MPA Performance Board endorse the attached action plan to improve PNC performance in the MPS.

B. Supporting information

1. Since PACE was amended in April 2004 to allow fingerprints and DNA of suspects who have been arrested for recordable offences to be taken, there has been in the MPS a 70% increase in the number of entries placed on Police National Computer (PNC) with no increase in staffing levels in Police National Computer Bureau (PNCB).

2. Between 14 and 18 February 2005 Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) visited the MPS and completed a PNC Compliance Inspection throughout the MPS and rated the MPS as ‘Poor’. The HMIC made a total of 23 recommendations under the headings of Strategic, Tactical and Operational findings.

3. In response PNC Bureau (SCD10(5) produced a comprehensive action plan to address these concerns (see Appendix 1). Key highlights of how the MPS is implementing the action plan are shown under the three headings used by HMIC, Strategic, Tactical and Operational.


4. The MPS now has a clear PNC lead for the MPS, Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur; he has agreed an MPS PNC strategic Statement. The bespoke PNC Strategic Committee recommended by HMIC has been formed and amongst other things are considering this strategic statement.


5. At the time of the 70% increase in workload in PNCB the Actual Workforce Target (AWT) for PNCB dropped from 146 to 132 on its transfer to SCD. AC Ghaffur has therefore agreed that the AWT for PNCB will increase from to 146 with immediate affect. He has also agreed that a further 20 temporary staff can be recruited. This recruitment process is now ongoing. These staff need to be recruited, trained and mentored, for these reasons there will a time lag of 3 months before this significant increase in resources impacting on performance will be seen.

6. Improving PNC performance data for the prompt creation of arrest summons records and court results is complex as it crosses business groups. This requires the co-operation of the courts, the boroughs and PNCB. Therefore work is under way to prepare borough based performance data to identify the causes in delays. An oral update will be provided in the meeting after a number of site visits occurring in April 2006. This performance data will need to be monitored by the PNC Strategic Committee, who can hopefully assist in the removal of any strategic blockages in the system to ensure compliance and improved performance.

7. There have been 11 reported cases of RSI in PNCB. A significant refurbishment of PNCB is taking place to replace extremly old furniture with new furniture taking into account the ergonomic needs of data imputters. A programme of free massages for staff along with OH briefings in 2005 has seen a noticeable slowing of cases of RSI and three staff have since returned to normal duties. Table 1 shows PNC performance in the MPS for February 2006.


Table 1 – PNC Key Performance Indicators in the MPS

PI MPS Performance National Average
90% of arrestees placed on PNC within 24 hrs 81% 82%
75% of Court disposals placed on PNC within 10 days 46% 70%


9. PNCB creates over 20,000 A/S records a month and these records give rise to a substantial number of associated updating tasks, e.g. 14000 court disposals. HMIC recommend that 10% of all transactions be monitored. This is a significant undertaking above PNCB’s normal sampling process and is being carefully considered by the HMIC Project Team.


Police National Computer
Police National Computer Bureau
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary
Actual Workforce Target
PNC Bureau

C. Legal implications

There are no known legal implications.

D. Race and equality impact

There are no known race or diversity issues.

E. Financial implications

There are no financial implications.

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author: Detective Superintendent David Miveld, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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