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Report 12 of the 17 May 2007 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and this annual report describes the main projects, topics considered and achievements of the committee for the year.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

PPRC annual report - draft

Report: 12
Date: 17 May 2007
By: Chief Executive


This is the annual report for the Planning, Performance and Review Committee (PPRC) for the year July 2006 to March 2007. It describes the main projects, topics considered and achievements of the committee for the year. This report will be a key input in the Authority’s overall Annual Report.

A. Recommendation

That the Committee agrees the draft annual report for PPRC for presentation to Full Authority and/ or suggest any additional areas or changes required.

B. Supporting information


1. The Planning, Performance and Review Committee (PPRC) responsibilities include: monitoring performance against targets; overseeing the development of annual and corporate plans, including the setting of targets; advising the Authority on targets to be set in annual and corporate plans; scrutinising areas of performance; discharging the Authority’s responsibilities as a best value authority (including the overseeing of best value or service improvement projects) and monitoring MPS performance in the context of the criminal justice system as a whole.

2. These duties are carried out in accordance with equal opportunities and equalities legislation. The PPRC positively promotes the Authority’s commitment to equalities and diversity.

3. Detailed below are the main achievements and areas of work for the PPRC from July 2006 to March 2007. These are detailed in four main sections: planning, performance, review and criminal justice issues.

Overview of performance

4. Overall, crime is falling in London. Total notifiable offences are down by 6.5% or 59,000 offences year on year. Violent crime is down 4.9%, burglary dwelling is down 6.4% and vehicle crime is down 4.0%. There are still areas for improvement e.g. robbery offences has risen by 2.3% 2006-07 compared to 2005-06. We are not complacent and are pleased with most results but have not taken our eye off developing trends and expect the MPS to do the same.

5. The roll out of Safer Neighbourhoods has been a tremendous achievement – the equivalent in numbers of rolling out a sizeable police force. This has been in no small part due to the determination and hard work of the MPA, securing the finance and buy-in to make it a real success. The MPA has worked with the MPS to develop a new performance framework for this way of working (EPIC).

6. Work on further developing the coordination and tasking across the MPS has taken place – tasking is now a standard agenda item on the MPS performance board agenda. The Head of Planning & Performance sits in on these meetings and is fully involved with these developments. We hope that this will result in a better understanding of the most effective and efficient ways to deliver the service to London.

Performance details

7. The data released shows the following related targets have not been met:

  • change in BCS recorded crime basket (PSA 1 proxy) is down 6.1% against a 6.3% reduction target;
  • victim satisfaction with overall service (SPI 1e), data for Q1-3 is 79% against target of 81%;
  • victim of racist incidents’ satisfaction with overall service (SPI 3a), data for Q1-3 is 62% against target of 72%;
  • % of people who think anti-social behaviour is a problem (SPI 10b) is 26% against a 25% target.

8. The following table details the 13 Critical Performance Areas set out in the Policing Plan 2006-07(see supporting material).


9. The performance reports presented to PPRC have continued to improve. In addition to regular TP, SCD and SO reports, the committee now receives reports from CO.


10. The Planning process is always challenging. We continue to work to better coordinate the financial and business planning process. Joint meetings were held between PPRC and Finance Committee throughout the planning cycle. The Head of Planning & Performance sat on the Business Planning process meetings.

11. However, March saw the successful production of the 2007 – 2008 Policing Plan. The document also incorporated the three-year strategy, a major piece of work that also involved widespread consultation both internally and externally. The 2007 – 2008 Policing Plan focuses on a smaller number of key targets that compliment the PPAF system.

National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS)

12. The Audit Commission issued an unqualified report on the best value performance plan on 30 November 2006. The MPA is pleased with this audit, particularly as it demonstrates the success of the improvements the MPS has made in the last year to ensure there are sufficient quality checks in place to provide integrity to the performance indicators included in the policing plan.

Review and scrutiny

13. During 2006/07, the committee continued its role in respect of service improvement reviews (best value).

14. PPRC continued to monitor the implementation of service improvement and best value reviews of Custody Capacity, Security Clearances and Security Guarding. The committee is pleased with the progress being made in all three of these areas. It also received confirmation that the implementation of the recommendations of the managing demand service improvement review is complete.

15. The committee received a report on the findings of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) baseline assessment of the MPS. The inspectors judged that in most areas the MPS is improving – the MPS was not judged to be ‘poor’ in any areas of service delivery. The committee was pleased with the findings and felt that it reflected that a considerable amount of work on behalf of the MPS. The Committee was concerned however, that the MPS balanced their desire to improve scores in the 2007 baseline process with the need to concentrate on areas of weaker performance that were not due to be inspected during 2007.

16. PPRC has continued to monitor the implementation of the recommendations made to the MPA and the MPS by its scrutinies. The committee received reports updating us on the progress made by the MPS in implementing the Rape Scrutiny. Whilst excellent progress has been made, there are still concerns particularly about rates of attrition. The committee will continue to this monitor progress in this area.

17. During 2006/07, the committee received reports outlining MPS efforts to improve their management of PNC, following a number of weaknesses found by an HMIC inspection. Progress is being made, although the committee is concerned about the slow pace of change.

C. Race and equality impact

1. There continues to be differences in the satisfaction rates of victims of hate crime. Although there has been an improvement in this area, the committee will continue to monitor the differential detection rates and satisfaction rates of victims of hate crime through its reporting structure.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Jane Owen and Siobhan Coldwell, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

The following is a available as a PDF document:

  • Table [PDF]
    'Critical performance areas' table from the above report

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