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Report 8 of the 16 Jun 03 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and outlines the progress relating to Strand 2, namely the Security and Management of Information and Intelligence.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPS Professional Standards Strategy, Progress on Strand 2 - Security & Management of Information & Intelligence

Report: 8
Date: 16 June 2003
By: Commissioner


The MPS Professional Standards Strategy is a re-launched and re-focused MPS Corruption and Dishonesty Strategy. It has been produced following consultation within the MPS and with Members of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee (PSCC) of the MPA.

The new Strategy was launched in August 2002 and work on delivering the strategy commenced.

This is a report on the progress relating to Strand 2, namely the Security and Management of Information and Intelligence.

A. Recommendation

That Members note the content of the report and the progress on Strand 2 of the MPS Professional Standards Strategy – Security and Management of Information and Intelligence.

B. Supporting information

Professional Standards Strategy

1. In 1998 the Metropolitan Police Service launched the Corruption and Dishonesty Prevention Strategy, which aimed to ‘engender pride and trust in the integrity of the Metropolitan Police Service by preventing and detecting corruption, dishonesty and unethical behaviour'. The Professional Standards Strategy is the new five-year strategy that will see a significant shift of emphasis. The MPS will direct greater effort towards prevention and reducing the risks to our staff and the community. In short there will be a greater balance between prevention and detection, whilst at the same time maintaining the threat or fear of detection.

2. The work for the next five years will be organised under five strands of activity, each of which has its own prioritised work plan and timescale:

  • Leadership and supervision
  • Security and Management of information and intelligence
  • Recognition of the diversity of our communities and staff
  • Identifying and reacting to organisational and individual learning
  • Maintaining the threat of detection, prevention and management of risk

3. Context of the Strategy:

  • This re-launched and re-focused Strategy is a high level statement of intention which supports the MPS Mission, Vision and Values; and the MPS 3 Year Corporate Plan - 'The Safest City Strategy’.
  • The MPS acknowledge that the vast majority of our staff are honest, professional and brave.
  • The Professional Standards Strategy will focus activity over the next 5 years.
  • It will be underpinned by more detailed specific work plans developed by the strand leads and their working groups. MPS priorities will be reflected therein.
  • It is a dynamic document, the progress of which will be reported quarterly to the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee, and onward to the MPA Professional Standards and Complaints Committee.

4. It has been agreed that the progress on individual stands will be presented to the Committee at separate meetings throughout the year. Progress on Strand 5 (Maintaining the threat of detection, prevention and management of risk) and on Strand 1 (Leadership, Supervision and Standards Adherence) has been reported at previous meetings.

Strand 2 - security and management of information and intelligence

5. The overarching purpose of the Strand is:

‘To minimise the risks to our information and intelligence assets posed by unauthorised or inappropriate access and disclosure’

6. The expected outcome is:

‘Risks to our information and intelligence assets will be reduced. Supervisors and managers will be more aware and able to challenge when appropriate’.

7. The presentation to the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee will be focussed around the aims of this strand, namely:

  • Aim 1 - Review security controls on key systems
  • Aim 2 - Develop specific guidance and standards for security and management of information and intelligence based on the ‘need to know' principle;
  • Aim 3 - Develop practical security guides for supervisors and managers for vulnerable systems.

8. The Review and re-focus of MPS Vetting arrangements was originally part of Strand 2 work. Following the agreement to move the MPS Personal Security Group (which deals with Vetting) from the Human Resources Directorate to the Directorate of Professional Standards, this element has been transferred to Stand 5 under Commander Hagon of DPS.

9. In addition the presentation will describe a new Information Strategy Security Sub-Group, and further, work which is being undertaken to integrate the aims of Strand 2 with other aspects of the MPS Information Security regime.

Information Strategy Security Sub-Group

10. As a result of concerns expressed by the Deputy Commissioner that revolved around the long-term vulnerability of our information systems to un-authorised and unlawful penetration, it was decided to set up an Information Strategy Security Sub-Group (ISSSG), with representatives on this Group from DPS, the Directorate of Information, SCD, SO & TP Business Groups, and Internal Audit.

11. The Terms of Reference include:

  • Identify the business requirements for information security concepts, policies and functionality arising from the MPS information strategy;
  • Identify the implications for the MPS business arising from the above; and
  • Derive assurance that the security functionality of solutions developed within the MPS Information Strategy Programme is commensurate with the MPS business need.

Relationship with ISSSG & MPS Security Programme Board (METSEC)

12. Since the work of the ISSSG and the Strand 2 Working Group is inevitably linked and could potentially clash, it was felt that key members should sit on both groups. There are also significant links with the MPS Security Programme Board (METSEC), chaired by Ailsa Beaton, Director of Information. Furthermore, as a result of realignment within the old Specialist Operations Business Group, it was necessary to change the Chair of the Strand 2 Working Group dealing with Security and Management of Information and Intelligence.

13. Therefore it has been agreed, in principle, that the Chair of ISSSG and the Strand 2 Working Group will be Commander O’Connell from the Specialist Crime Directorate. In addition, David Martin, Programme Manager for the Professional Standards Strategy and DCS Tony Dawson, DPS representative on METSEC, will sit on both Groups, and a suitable DOI representative, who attends METSEC and ISSSG, will also become a member of the Strand 2 Working Group.

C. Equality and diversity implications

1. Proposals emanating from this work will seek to have a positive impact on equality and diversity issues within the Metropolitan Police Service. Measures taken to improve the security of MPS information systems will prevent or deter the circulation of racist and sexist material.

2. The impact on individual members of staff of both proactive investigations and preventive work will be monitored by the DPS Performance Analysis Unit, to assess whether there is any disproportionality in relation to intelligence, investigation or sanctions.

D. Financial implications

1. It is intended to progress the work of strand 2 within existing MPS budgets, directed by METSEC and the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee.

2. In the medium to long term, it is expected that the integration of intelligence and preventive work on IT security should lead to more focused procurement of equipment and implementation of security operating procedures. This will provide better value for money from existing and planned provision.

E. Background papers

F. Contact details

Report author: Tony Dawson, MPS.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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