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Report 11 of the 07 October 04 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and this report states proposal has been submitted by the Territorial Policing SMT aimed at achieving a pragmatic approach to the Local Resolution of complaints that will provide authority to spend up to £100 in immediate reparation.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

A Request For Funding For A Scheme To Deal With Immediate Reparation In Cases Where A Local Resolution Is Sought

Report: 11
Date: 07 October 04
By: Commissioner


The Committee is asked to appoint the Chair, Deputy Chair and membership of the Senior Officers Conduct Sub-Committee (formerly known as the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee) up till the annual meeting in June 2005

A. Recommendation


  1. the Committee support the funding of the above and grant authority to spend up to £100 in immediate reparation in circumstances where financial recompense is considered appropriate as a gesture of goodwill;
  2. when considering applying this process, validation of the local on call SMT member will be sought prior to any payment being made;
  3. making of such a payment will not be conditional on the aggrieved party resolving any complaint they may have by way of Local Resolution;
  4. in granting such a payment that the MPS is not making any explicit and implicit admission of liability; and
  5. the MPS will also reserve the right to defend any further claim made by a person in receipt of such a payment that relates to the same matter.
  6. a report will be submitted every six months outlining when local resolution is used, so it is further recommended that the occasions immediate reparation are used, together with the cost, be added to the report in order to provide a level of accountability.

B. Supporting information

1. Accident Claims Branch (DCC8[6]) currently handle MPS claims for damage to property by police, e.g. instances where entry is gained to effect a search warrant or to protect life and property. Should this scheme be approved the role of ACB will not change and neither will current service instructions that no admission of liability should be made.

2. ACB also deal with instances where property has been damaged mistakenly, e.g. when regrettably wrong premises are entered. On occasions it is recommended that an apology be given, without making any promise of payment, or flowers or a similar goodwill gesture be made whilst the matter is resolved.

3. Apparently there is no formal or legal framework for suitable financial or goodwill payments outside the circumstances mentioned above when seeking to achieve the Local Resolution of a complaint in line with the procedures laid down by the IPCC. Given the role played by local Boroughs in the Local Resolution process it appears reasonable to allow this facility to be available.

C. Equality and diversity implications

None of the above has been identified as being relevant to this issue.

D. Financial implications

It is accepted that some form of immediate reparation in Local Resolution cases cannot necessarily be quantified. However, if such a scheme is in place it will prevent the allocation of DPS resources to deal with matters that can be dealt with at a local level.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Phillip Hagon

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