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Report 8 of the 9 March 2006 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and outlines the development of the new MPS Professional Standards Strategy.

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Development of the new MPS Professional Standards Strategy

Report: 8
Date: 9 March 2006
By: Commissioner


The MPS Professional Standards Strategy is undergoing a review to take account of

  1. The MPS Strategy, The Modernisation Programme and accompanying priorities;
  2. Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur report recommendations;
  3. The Fundamental Review of DPS;
  4. The HMIC Thematic Inspection; and
  5. The recent DPS Strategic Intelligence Assessment.

The format and consultation arrangements are consistent with MPS Modernisation Programme requirements.

A. Recommendations

That note and comment on the draft MPS Professional Standards Strategy.

B. Supporting information

1. The first Anti-Corruption Strategy was developed in 1998. This was revised in 2002 and renamed the Professional Standard Strategy.

2. The implementation of the National Intelligence Model, with the production of the DPS Strategic Intelligence Assessment, influenced greatly the work emanating from the 2002 Professional Standards Strategy and the development of the new Professional Standards Strategy.

3. The strategy has been developed by the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee, which is chaired by Assistant Commissioner Brown and has senior representatives from all MPS Business Groups and Staff Associations.

4. The draft of the new Strategy attached was seen by the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Group on 7 February 2006 and accepted as suitable for final consultation. The work emanating from this strategy will be both supportive of and consistent with the MPS Corporate Strategy and priorities. The format and consultation arrangement meet the MPS Modernisation Programme requirements.


5. Consultation consists of the following:

  1. Placing the strategy on the MPS Corporate New Page of our intranet inviting comments and observations.
  2. Mr Brown writing to Staff Associations inviting comments and observations. Those written to include the Superintendents Associations, the Federations, Metropolitan Police Service Trade Union Side (MET-TUS), Black Police Association and the SAMURAI Group of representatives from minority groups within MPS.
  3. Key internal stakeholders through the membership of the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Group.
  4. Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

6. This report will complete this consultation by seeking observation and comments from the MPA Professional Standards and Complaints Committee.

What is the Professional Standards Strategy?

7. It is a corporate high-level plan designed to protect the integrity and reputation of the MPS; and manage the professional standards risks inherent in day-to-day policing.

Why change it? – Why now?

8. The MPS is embarking on a major modernisation programme to shape the organisation to meet the increasing demands and expectations we face now and in the future. This is based on new values and underpinned by behaviours.

9. In addition, the MPS and in particular our professional standards have been the subject of a number of recent reviews and inspections – Morris, CRE and HMIC Thematic Inspection.

10. The current seven key MPS priorities will drive performance against crime and disorder; and the four Modernisation priorities drive the changes necessary to shape the organisation for the future.

11. The implementation of values and behaviours will emphasise the need to improve service delivery whilst at the same time inspire public trust, confidence and satisfaction.

12. Maintaining and improving the way we deliver this service is key to protecting MPS integrity and reputation; and will form the basis upon which people will judge us.

“Engendering pride and trust of the public and our staff in individual and organisational integrity” – the purpose of the strategy

Will add value to the work of the MPS in it’s mission ‘Working together for a safer London’.

What does it contain?

13. There are four strands of activities, which will be led by a senior member of the DPS. The MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee, chaired by AC Brown, will drive the strategy over the next 3 years. All business groups and Staff Associations are represented on this committee.

14. Progress on the Strand activities will in addition be reported to this committee.

15. Activities detailed in the Strands builds on current ongoing work in respect of

  1. The MPS Strategy, The Modernisation Programme and accompanying priorities;
  2. Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur report recommendations;
  3. The Fundamental Review of DPS;
  4. The HMIC Thematic Inspection; and
  5. The recent DPS Strategic Intelligence Assessment

Comments and observations

16. Comments and observations will be welcomed on 9 March. Should members wish, they can email their views to David Martin, Head of Planning at MPS Directorate of Professional Standards.

C. Race and equality impact

The work relating to the development of the new strategy; and in particular, Morris, Taylor, CRE, Ghaffur and the DPS Review Programme, is focused on addressing real and perceived discrimination within the Professional Standards arena. The continued involvement of staff associations and external stakeholders within all of this work will ensure that this focus is maintained.

D. Financial implications

Costs for current work is being Director within the existing Director budgets directed by the Director Professional Standards Strategic Director, which is chaired by Assistant Director Alan Brown, Director DPS.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Commander Sue Akers, Director of Professional Standards, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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