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Report 11 of the 18 May 2006 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and states that the final report from Dr Matravers is not yet ready, but will be available at a future meeting.

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Cambridge University report on disproportionality

Report: 11
Date: 18 May 2006
By: Commissioner


The final report from Dr Matravers will not be received in time for circulation to Professional Standards and Complaints Committee on 18 May 2006. However, it will be available to the Committee on 13 July. The accompanying report will incorporate the MPS response to the research findings, and how the MPS will implement any resulting changes.

A. Recommendations

That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information

See summary.

C. Race and equality impact

No proposals are made in this report. However, the final report presented to members of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee will present research findings that require further debate and where appropriate, an impact assessment before implementation.

D. Financial implications

None at this time.

E. Background papers

None provided.

F. Contact details

Report author(s): DCS Carl Bussey, MPS.

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