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Report 9 of the 12 October 2006 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and provides an update on the progress of the DPS Review Implementation Programme.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Update on the programme for the fundamental review of the Directorate of Professional Standards

Report: 9
Date: 12 October 2006
By: DAC John Yates on behalf of the Commissioner


This report sets out the latest progress in respect of the DPS Review Implementation Programme (from 1 April 2006 to 30 November 2006).

A. Recommendations

That members note the progress made across the individual commands since the last progress update on 13 July 2006.

B. Supporting information

1. The DPS Review Implementation Programme Register is attached at Appendix 1. This document continues to outline the status of the individual projects and key activities that make up the overall programme of work including resource implications, project progress and emerging issues / comments. It provides the latest key management information to MPA PSCC members to track progress.

2. You will recall at the last meeting it was agreed that the reporting and monitoring arrangements for the DPS Review Implementation Programme would be as follows:

  1. That the Programme Register, Risk Register and Command Team Meeting (CTM) Highlight Report will be provided monthly to MPA Officers.
  2. That DPS Implementation will be an agenda item at the monthly informal meeting between the MPA and MPS involving the Director of DPS, Deputy Director of DPS, David Riddle and Reshard Auladin.
  3. That at future MPS PSCC meetings, a presentation will be given on key aspects of the programme. A presentation on the development of Prevention and Organisational Learning Command will be made at the 12 October 2006 MPA PSCC Meeting by A/DCS Andrew Campbell.

3. The latest documents, as outlined in 2(a), were submitted to the MPA on 22 September 2006 and have therefore not been attached as appendices to this report.

4. The remaining part of the report sets out the following:

  1. Programme overview
  2. Intelligence Command Projects
  3. Investigation Command Projects
  4. Prevention and Organisational Learning Command Projects

Programme overview

5. Overall, the programme of work has progressed well and the majority of projects are either nearing completion or likely to be subsumed within longer-term projects or work. A proposal will be brought to the October DPS CTM to formally complete, close and transfer functions within the DPS Review Implementation Programme at the CTM Strategic Day on 23 November. It is envisaged that proposals for the future will recommend the following:

  • Taylor Project to be set up to prepare the MPS for the implications of the new Misconduct Procedures for Police Officers (Taylor Recommendations) with effect from October 2006 to July 2007 when the new procedures will become mandatory for the Police Service.
  • Workforce Modernisation Project to drive forward a reformed, modern workforce for DPS. Workforce modernisation has tended to be finance driven and very limited in scope as opposed to being business driven for the longer-term benefits to the MPS. A new business case will be written for Management Board approval.
  • Residual Review Implementation Matters. A clearer picture will emerge over the coming weeks as to what will be included within this remit. It is envisaged that developing pieces of work such as developing the Environmental Scanning function, will continue to be project managed.
  • Performance Management and Target Setting for DPS to be developed in line with the DPS Benefits Realisation Plan by the Prevention and Organisational Learning Command.

6. The newly brigaded Central Services Support Services (CSSS) will operate from 4 October 2006, with DPS Business Support staff transferring to Empress State Building, the final week of September. Protocols are being drawn up between the Intelligent Client Units and CSSS, to ensure a smooth transition of services.

7. In respect of significant risks to note, the only one high risk remains in POL Command under ‘Harmonising Claims Management’ and relates to the software licence. The matter is assigned to the Department of Information to resolve and will continue to be monitored by POL Command.

8. The Benefits Realisation Plan continues to develop, particularly around measures and measurement methodologies. There are three key focuses:

  • To improve staff perception of DPS.
  • To measure increased Stakeholder Satisfaction with the IPCC, Public, MPA and MPS.
  • Performance Management and Target setting.

9. The MPS Corporate Research and Survey Unit will be approached formally to assist DPS with surveys to measure the first two. Prevention and Organisational Learning will take responsibility for developing Performance Management and Target Setting.

10. In conclusion, all of the above issues will be discussed at the CTM Strategic Day on 23 November 2006. The outcome of the decisions made will be reported in the form of a report to the MPA PSCC meeting on 14 December 2006.

Intelligence Command Projects

11. The Reception Desk Project continues to develop well and is on target for full completion in November 2006. A presentation was made to the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee on 12 September by DI Des Connors and was received well by MPS Business Groups.

12. The ‘Review of Intelligence Systems and Processes’ Project continues to develop, although the current Project Lead, DCI Jessica Jones, will transfer out of DPS shortly. It is anticipated that the Intelligence Manager IT software will be in place by November 2006, on schedule. A new Project Lead, Det. Supt John Levett has been appointed to Intelligence Command to drive through the cultural changes and manage the project.

Investigation Command Projects

13. Most Investigation Command projects are now coming to fruition or will be subsumed within longer-term work such as the Taylor Project and Workforce Modernisation Project. DCI Peter Howarth will continue to manage his two projects, Enhanced Witness Care and Investigative Strategy Reviews through to completion by the end of November 2006.

Prevention and Organisational Learning Command Projects

14. Activity continues in developing a long-term solution for Accident Claims Handling software, now that Figtree is providing the short-term, interim solution.

15. Preparations for the launch of the Professional Standards Support Programme (PSSP) in November 2006 continue.

16. DCS Campbell has been appointed Project Director for the Taylor Project alongside Nadia Musallam as Project Manager, and work will continue to draw up the Business Case and Project Plan.

C. Race and equality impact

As part of the Fundamental Review of the Directorate of Professional Standards, extensive consultation and engagement with key stakeholders will continue throughout the implementation by the DPS Project Leads. This will ensure an inclusive and constructive change process is at the heart of a successful outcome. The changes and benefits to be implemented will positively affect the population of London, both within and outside of the Police Family. DPS will continue to monitor on a quarterly basis all equality and diversity implications.

D. Financial implications

The overall cost to implement the ‘new way’ model will be met within the 2006/7 DPS budget allocation. No new additional funding requirements have been identified since the last report to PSCC on 13th July 2006.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Nadia Musallam, DPS Review Implementation Programme Manager, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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