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Report 5 of the 13 March 2008 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee providing a project update on the implementation of the Taylor Reforms since the last PSCC meeting in January 2008 and supplements the presentation to be made by the Taylor Project Team at the meeting.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Project update on the implementation of the Taylor Reforms

Report: 5
Date: 13 March 2008
By: Acting Assistant Commissioner Operational Services on behalf of the Commissioner


This report provides a project update on the implementation of the Taylor Reforms since the last PSCC meeting in January 2008. It is intended to supplement the presentation to be made by the Taylor Project Team at the meeting.

A. Recommendations

That Members note the report.

B. Supporting information

Project progress since the last PSCC meeting

1. Work continues by the Home Office on developing the regulations and statutory guidance for the new performance and conduct regulations. The Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill continues to make good progress through parliament and it is expected to receive Royal Assent in May 2008. Police Advisory Board (PAB) met on 6 February 2008 and endorsed the draft regulations, subject to ministerial approval. Further consultation by the Home Office is underway for arrangements that should be in place for dealing with appeals made to the Police Appeals Tribunal. The closing date for this consultation process is 1 April 2008.

2. The Home Office are consulting with the Police Service over the preferred implementation date for the new regulations. Whilst the MPS has proposed 1 September 2008, subject to the legislative timetable, it is likely that 1 October 2008 will become the formal implementation date.

3. DPS have consulted with all key stakeholders and continue to engage with them throughout implementation. The consultation included a presentation to the Staff Support Association (SAMURAI) where it was agreed that bespoke training days would be provided for them. The Federation now have a representative on the Taylor Project Board to ensure openness and cooperation in implementing the new procedures.

4. In January, DPS held briefings for all B/OCU Commanders, HR Managers, DPS Staff and Key Stakeholders focusing on ‘what does it mean for you’. Each audience was provided with an insight into their roles and responsibilities. This was a key component as it afforded each stakeholder group to establish how to embed local misconduct management into their routine business.

5. Work continues by the project team to ensure all internal processes particularly in respect of the Unsatisfactory Performance Procedures (UPP) and Tribune are robust and joined up in preparation for the ‘go live’ date proposed for September / October 2008.

Training Update

6. A Performance Needs Analysis (PNA) and Training Needs Analysis (TNA) were submitted to Training Management Board for discussion and approval on 28 January 2008 and were subsequently approved. It remains the view of DPS and those consulted that the success of the new system will depend on the quality of the staff and the training that is given to them. OCUs will be asked to provide the names of those they wish to be trained and to consider at the same time the rank / grade / race and gender of those representatives to ensure confidence in their local processes.

7. A Taylor Training Implementation Project will now scope and oversee the proposed training provision as follows;

Proposed training
Module Target Group Method
Awareness Serving Officers E-Learning (Implementation)
Recruits Recruit Training (Long Term)
Transferees/Re-joiners E-Learning (Long Term)
Managing UPP and Misconduct Sergeants, Inspectors and Band D Transforming HR (Implementation)
Leadership Academy (Long Term)
DPS Staff All Staff Staged Briefings (Implementation)
IO and ACC Induction Courses (Long Term)
Managing Misconduct Meetings Professional Standards Champion 3 x Insp / HR Professional 1 x DPS IO Two day classroom based course
Managing Misconduct Hearings ACPOCh Sups / Supts Two day classroom based course

  Table 1: Proposed training

8. In respect of changes to the ACPO presiding officer role, Management Board have asked that the views of MPS ACPO officers are canvassed before they make a decision on the approach to be adopted at their next meeting on 4 March. They have been asked to consider the following options:

  • Do you favour a Cadre or wish to retain the current structure where all ACPO can chair hearings?
  • Do you consider a Cadre should be a six monthly (shorter or longer) commitment?
  • Do you consider that senior police staff should assist with presiding duties (NB under the Taylor reforms they can do so)?
  • Do you have any other views about how Misconduct Hearings ought to be run?

9. Negotiations with the Home Office appointed training providers, scoping of the training provision and confirmation of the training budget is expected to be complete by the end of March 2008.

C. Race and equality impact

1. Extensive consultation has been undertaken with key stakeholders particularly with the Samurai group where two days had been set-aside in January to deal with the specific concerns of each organisation. The new system seeks to be open and fair and the staff associations have asked that guidance be given to OCUs on the selection of those staff that will run misconduct meetings, to ensure the diversity mix on the OCU is stressed.

2. All outcomes will be monitored through Tribune and the MPS will thus be able to check on consistency and the effects at a local level of decision-making.

D. Financial implications

An allocation of £75k has been has been requested from the DPS 2008/9 budget to fund the actual training delivery.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report authors: Nadia Musallam, DPS Taylor Project Manager

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