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Emerging performance indicators for policing and performance plan 2001/02

Report: 4
Date: 9 January 2001
By: Commissioner


This report summarises the emerging proposals for policing and performance plan performance indicators (PIs) for 2001/02. It also lists the relevant Best Value performance indicators (BVPIs) which will be required.

A. Supporting information

1. The MPA Full Authority in December agreed a set of priorities, which will form the basis of the Policing and Performance Plan for 2001/02.

2. Work is in hand to define and develop these priorities into a meaningful plan with clear objectives, performance indicators and targets.

3. The tables attached at Appendix 1 set out the emerging Performance Indicators. Development work is still underway, and these PIs may be subject to further refinement and change. In a number of areas new ideas are being developed, and these will be incorporated in future drafts of the plan. Internal consultation is also taking place to develop targets for all PIs.

4. The PIs are presented at this stage for the information of PSPM members, and to allow comment and consultation on the proposals. PSPM are invited to comment in particular on the emerging set of PIs, which will be monitored next year. Appendix 1 includes details of the Best Value PIs which are relevant to the Policing and Performance Plan external priorities.

5. In addition to describing priorities, the MPS policing and performance plan will identify "sustained activities". A sustained activity is an area that the MPS will continue to address as part of its overall basket of services. It may be a previous year's priority that will get continuing attention to ensure delivery, like homicide, or an external priority, like vehicle crime, which is monitored and supported but not a first level priority.

6. Appendix 2 shows details of the BVPIs which relate to internal priorities and sustained activities. Details of the other BVPIs for 2001/02 are shown in Appendix 3.

B. Recommendation

Members note the report, and consider the emerging set of PIs for 2001/02.

C. Financial implications


D. Review arrangements

An outline of the Policing and Performance Plan will be submitted for consideration by the Finance, Planning and Best Value committee on 22 January. The draft Plan will then be presented to the Full Authority in February. Members may like to consider what further involvement PSPM should have in the development of PIs and targets.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed below or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.


F. Contact details

The author of this report is Cath Kitching, MPS Corporate Performance Analysis Unit.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Draft performance indicators and related best value PIs for 2001/02

External priorities Proposed Policing and Performance Plan PIs Relevant BVPIs
Making London's streets safer
Street crime
  • The number of recorded street crimes
  • The percentage of judicial disposals secured for recorded street crime offence
  • Robberies per 1,000 population (BV127)
  • Robberies - percentage detected (BV127)
Criminal use of firearms and knives
  • Priority changed on 14 December
    PIs under development
Anti – social behaviour
  • Local objectives and PIs will be set by Boroughs
  • In the longer term, development of MPS Quality of Life index
  • Number of public disorder incidents per 1,000 population (BV130)
Diverting young people from crime
  • Priority agreed on 14 December PIs under development
  • Percentage of all full youth files provided to the Crown Prosecution Service both within pre-trial issue time guidelines and which are fully satisfactory or sufficient to proceed (BV131)
  • Percentage of all expedited/remand youth files provided to the Crown Prosecution Service which are fully satisfactory or sufficient to proceed (BV131)
Keeping burglars out of Londoners' homes and businesses
  • The number of recorded residential burglaries
  • The number of recorded non-residential burglaries
  • The percentage of judicial disposals secured for recorded burglary offences
  • Domestic burglaries per 1,000 households (BV126)
  • Domestic burglaries - percentage detected (BV126)
  • Percentage of domestic burglaries where the property had been burgled in the past twelve months (BV155)
  • Percentage of victims satisfied with police initial response to a report of a burglary in a dwelling (BV23)
Reducing damage to London's communities caused by drug dealing
Class A drug supply
  • Judicial disposals secured for supply and possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, splitting out JDs for crack, heroin and cocaine
  • Number of persons referred into treatment through arrest referral schemes
  • Consideration of disruption and quality of life indicators
  • Number of offenders dealt with for supply offences in respect of Class A drugs per 10,000 population; the number which relate to cocaine and the number which relate to heroin (BV129)
  • The percentage of adults arrested referred into drug treatment programmes as a result of arrest referral schemes (BV137)
Protecting Londoners from hate crimes
  • Improved victim care achieved through establishment of havens and dedicated SOIT (sexual offences investigation trained) teams
  • The number of rape offences recorded
  • The percentage of judicial disposals secured for rape
Race and homophobic crime
  • Gap between the levels of satisfaction expressed by victims of crime and victims of racist and homophobic crime
  • The number of racist incidents, racist crimes and homophobic crimes reported
  • The percentage of judicial disposals secured for recorded racially motivated offences and homophobic crimes
  • The number of proactive initiatives undertaken aimed at the detection or disruption of offenders for hate crime
  • BV138
  • BV139
  • The percentage of reported racist incidents where further investigative action is taken (BV141)
  • The percentage of recorded racially aggravated crimes detected (BV141)
  • Number of Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) stops/searches of white persons per 1,000 population and percentage leading to arrest (BV138)
  • Number of PACE stops/searches of minority ethnic persons per 1,000 population and percentage leading to arrest (BV139)
Domestic violence
  • The number of domestic violence cases reported
  • The percentage of judicial disposals secured for domestic violence
  • BV154
  • Percentage of reported domestic violence incidents where there was a power of arrest, in which an arrest was made relating to the incident (BV153)
  • Percentage of reported domestic violence incidents that involved victims of a reported domestic violence incident in the previous twelve months (BV154)
Child abuse

Performance monitored as progress against development objectives:

  1. To review unit working practices in line with Best Value principles
  2. To provide the unit workforce with the necessary skills and support to improve the service given to abused children and their families
  3. To develop a strategy to investigate complex abuses in care homes
  4. To develop a strategy to undertake operations against paedophiles who present a physical threat to children
  5. To prepare a strategy to implement local and pan-London abuse prevention initiatives in partnership with other agencies

Outcome measures to be developed


Appendix 2: Other best value PIs for 2001/02

Internal priority BV Ref Performance indicator
People Strategy BV26 Number of working days lost through sickness per police officer and Number of working days lost through sickness per civilian employee
Recruitment and Retention BV24



Percentage of new appointments to the police strength who are female

Number of medical retirements of police officers as a percentage of total officer numbers; Number of medical retirements of civilian employees as a percentage of total civilian staff numbers

Diversity BV25 Percentage of minority ethnic police officers in the force compared to the percentage of minority ethnic population of working age
Responding to Staff Survey    
Combating bureaucracy    
Changing culture    
External communication and consultation    
Internal communication    

BVPIs relevant to sustained activities

Sustained activity BV Ref Performance indicator
Vehicle Crime BV128  Vehicle crimes per 1000 population and percentage detected
Emergency Response BV23 Percentage of the public satisfied with police action in response to 999 calls
  BV133 Percentage of responses to incidents requiring immediate response in target response times
  BV134 Percentage of 999 calls answered within local target response times
Reducing Road Casualties BV23 Percentage of victims of road traffic collisions satisfied with the police service at the scene
  BV132 Number of road traffic collisions involving death or serious injury per 1000 population

Appendix 3: Other best value PIs for 2001/02

BVPIs not covered in priorities or sustained activities

BV Ref Performance indicator
BV21 Number of complaints per 1000 officers
BV22 Percentage of complaints substantiated
BV28  Percentage of police officers in operational posts; percentage of police officers in operational support posts; percentage of police officers in organisational support posts
BV124 Actual net revenue expenditure per 1000 population
BV152 Percentage of police authority buildings open to the public which are suitable for and accessible to disabled people
BV120 Level of crime (using British Crime Survey)
BV121 Fear of crime (using British Crime Survey)
BV122 Feelings of public safety (using British Crime Survey)
BV125 Total recorded crimes per 1000 population and percentage detected
BV131 Percentage of all full files provided to the Crown Prosecution Service both within pre-trial issue time guidelines and which are fully satisfactory or sufficient to proceed; Percentage of all expedited/remand files provided to the Crown Prosecution Service which are fully satisfactory or sufficient to proceed
BV136 Percentage of notifiable offences that were detected where a person has been charged, reported for summons or cautioned, or the offence has been taken into consideration by a court
BV173  Has the local authority established a corporate strategy to reduce crime and disorder in their area?
If No, has the authority established a timetable for doing so?

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