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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Minutes of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held in AG23, Romney House, Westminster on Tuesday 10 April 2001.



  • Richard Sumray (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Roger Evans
  • Lynne Featherstone
  • R David Muir

MPA staff

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Johanna Gillians (Senior Analyst)
  • Simon Vile (Head of Secretariat)

MPS staff

  • Tim Godwin (Commander, Central London)
  • Andy Hayman (Acting DAC, Head of Professional Standards)
  • Cath Kitching (Corporate Performance Analysis Unit)
  • Barbara Riddell (Director, Corporate Development Group)

Also in attendance – Rachel Whittaker, MPA Member

In addition, approximately nine members of the press/public and other MPA/MPS staff were present.

Part 1

71. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

No apologies were received.

72. Minutes of meeting: 13 March 2001

(Agenda item 2)

It was requested that R David Muir's name be added to those giving apologies. With this amendment, the minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record.

The Clerk's response (agenda item 2) to the Home Office on its paper 'Complaints against the police - framework for a new system' had been given verbally. A tripartite working party would commence at the end of April and it was suggested that Members and the MPS might become involved.

At the last meeting (agenda item 3), the Chair had been offered a paper on Criminal Justice Units (CJUs). This had not been forthcoming, and the Chair suggested that the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring (PSPM) Committee receive a short paper on the overlapping reviews affecting CJUs at its next meeting.


  1. with the addition to those giving apologies, the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2001 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair;
  2. Members be involved in the Home Office's tripartite working party;
  3. that the next PSPM Committee receive a short paper on the overlapping reviews affecting CJUs.

73. Chair and members update (verbal report)

(Agenda item 3)

Members had been visiting, or planning to visit Borough Support Units to look at complaint and internal investigation files. The question of how the files were chosen was discussed. Members were informed that files were selected at random by an MPA officer from a list of all files. A Member requested a presentation on the developmental work taking place within the Directorate of Professional Standards. It was felt that to do justice to the task, more visits than originally planned might need to be made. The frequency of visits would be considered further at the next meeting.


  1. PSPM Members receive a presentation on the developmental work taking place within the Directorate of Professional Standards;
  2. the frequency of visits to Borough Support Units be considered at the next meeting.

74. Public complaints against the MPS

(Agenda item 4)

Following the overview report on complaints performance presented to the January meeting of the PSPM Committee, Members received a report looking in detail at complaints by women, and giving more detail around the procedure for informal resolutions and dispensations. The report also explored a new indicator for 2001/2002 that monitored the number of complaints where a stop and search had been involved.

It was felt that Members should see some of the files relating to cases where dispensations from the requirement to investigate had been sought. It was agreed that a sample selection would be routed through Members before going to the Police Complaints Authority (PCA).

The question of disproportionality in regard to stop and search was raised. The MPS felt that more statistical evidence on the population on the streets in proportion to those stopped and searched was required; and that the MPA and MPS should have a joint position on their approach to use of stop and search. Questions were also asked about proportionality and vexatious complaints. The MPS undertook to look at this further.


  1. the contents of the report be noted;
  2. that a sample selection of files relating to cases where dispensations from the requirement to investigate were sought, be routed through Members before going to the PCA.

75. Integrity testing

(Agenda item 5)

Members were given a verbal presentation on integrity testing. They were informed that there were two strands. The first being covert, intelligence-led investigations of suspect officers and staff. The second, discreet, quality assurance investigations, testing the delivery of service. Failure in the latter was dealt with in a holistic way, with issues such as training and management being addressed. Both these strands were overseen by the Oversight Panel, which ensured the investigations were fair. Members felt there was a need to ensure these two strands were kept separate in the understanding of MPS officers and staff.

the contents of the verbal report be noted.

76. Update on the MPS's response to the concerns raised by the Lindo family and subsequent action plan

(Agenda item 6)

Members were informed that a further complaint by the Lindo family was being investigated by West Midlands Police. The Chair of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee requested that he be briefed further before the forthcoming meeting at Haringey. The Chair requested that this item be discussed further at the next meeting. He asked for confirmation that all the issues raised in the MPA's formal response to the MPS on this case were being addressed in their action plan.


  1. that the information given be noted;
  2. that the Chair of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee be briefed further before the forthcoming meeting at Haringey;
  3. the item be discussed further at the next PSPM Committee, including confirmation that all the issues raised in the MPA's formal response to the MPS on this case were being addressed in their action plan.

77. February performance report

(Agenda item 7)

A report was received giving an overview of MPS performance, and providing a full listing of Policing Plan and Best Value Performance Indicators. Members felt there was a need to understand why some borough command units were achieving significantly better results than others and have their achievement replicated elsewhere.

It was noted that the delivery of CRR training was not keeping pace with the revised target. Members were informed that this had been discussed within the MPS, and that managers would be held to account for non-attendance of their officers and staff at courses.

the contents of the report be noted.

78. Evaluation of Operation Strongbox

(Agenda item 8)

Members received a report summarising the evaluation of Operation Strongbox following its application at Lambeth, Hackney, Camden and Islington. It noted the achievements and developments that had been delivered through the Operation's approach to tackling volume crime and improving policing performance. Members were informed that local comment had been favourable, and that more analysts were being employed to support intelligence led policing members. Questions were asked about day-to-day performance whilst operations were ongoing, and it was felt the report should have included more on outcomes in relation to expenditure. Members asked about funding for Operation Strongbox, and were informed that some money had come from the Home Office as part of an initiative against street robbery. It was agreed that the MPA should write to the Home Secretary requesting further funding.

Members asked about the benefit to outer London boroughs from Operation Strongbox. They were informed that borough command units would benefit from the intelligence model, and could call on the Territorial Policing Command Team for assistance and advice in specific operations. The Chair requested an update on this item at an appropriate time.


  1. the contents of the report be noted;
  2. a letter be sent to the Home Secretary on behalf of Members requesting further funding for Operation Strongbox;
  3. an update on Operation Strongbox be provided at an appropriate time.

79. Police National Computer: data quality

(Agenda item 9)

A report was received highlighting national concerns over the quality of data stored on the Police National Computer (PNC). All police authorities were being encouraged by the Association of Police Authorities (APA) to request a report on the systems in place to ensure the integrity of data locally. In addition, the report set out the MPS's response to Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary report 'On the Record', which also highlighted concerns over PNC data quality.

Members noted that quality of PNC data was an important issue. PNC information passed to courts was frequently incorrect, resulting in repeat offenders being unrecognised and released. Members were informed that the MPS took the issue seriously and that regular reports were made to its internal committees. The recommendations made in the report were agreed.


  1. that the MPS provide details of PNC data audit plans and the results of any audits;
  2. the PSPM Committee note the progress made so far by the MPS on this important issue.

80. Quality review of ethnic personnel data held by the MPS

(Agenda item 10)

Members received a paper describing the systems the MPS had in place for collecting, counting and using data on the ethnicity of its workforce. The report would be presented to the Human Resources Committee to take forward its recommendations, but was provided the PSPM as an example of the data quality studies that would be undertaken for PSPM and other committees.

members note this report and the approach taken to examining data quality.

81. MPA's relationship with Police Complaints Authority

(Agenda item 11)

At the PSPM meeting on 14 November 2000, Molly Meacher (Deputy Chair of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA)) gave a presentation on the respective roles of the PCA and a police authority. A report was received picking up some of the issues she addressed. It was decided that the issues raised needed further discussion and that the item should be deferred to the next meeting.

discussion of this paper be deferred to the next meeting of the PSPM Committee.

82. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 12)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during agenda item 13, 'Update on investigation' as it would be likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) relating to:

Information relating to a particular employee, former employee or applicant to become an employee of, or a particular office-holder, former office holder or applicant to become an office-holder under the authority.

the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the agenda items 13.

Part 2

83. Update on investigation

(Agenda item 13)

Members received a verbal update on the investigations into allegations against a police officer. The Chair requested that all MPA Members be kept informed of the progress of this investigation.


  1. the verbal report be received;
  2. that all MPA Members be kept informed of the progress of this investigation.

The meeting finished at 4.30pm.

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