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Report 12 of the 12 Jun 01 meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee and discusses the roles, functions and statutory responsibilities of the internal & external reviewers of the MPS and MPA.

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Internal & external reviewers of the MPS and MPA roles, functions and statutory responsibilities

Report: 12
Date: 12 June 2001
By: Clerk


The Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee have received a paper setting out the roles, functions and statutory responsibilities of the internal and external reviewers of the MPS and the MPA. The report is now submitted to the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee for information.

A. Recommendation

To note the contents of the Appendix 1.

B. Supporting information

1. At its meeting on 15 May 2001 the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee considered a report by the Treasurer and Clerk on the roles, functions and statutory responsibilities of the internal and external reviewers of the MPS and the MPA. See Appendix 1.

2. The Committee noted the report and agreed that it be distributed to key stakeholders within the MPA and MPS. The Committee agreed that he report be submitted for information to the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee.

C. Financial implications

See Appendix 1.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is John Crompton.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

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