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Report 6 of the 11 Oct 01 meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee and gives an overview of MPS performance against the targets in the policing plan.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

August performance report

Report: 6
Date: 11 October 2001
By: Commissioner


This report gives an overview of MPS performance against the targets in the policing plan.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note the report.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS performance report for August 2001 is circulated as a separate document for Members’ information (further copies are available from the MPA on request). The MPS Performance Review Committee (PRC) considered this report on 25 September 2001.

2. The report includes a scorecard summary of Policing Plan indicators, along with commentary regarding selected issues. Wherever possible the report includes data to the end of August 2001.

3. Page 1 is the scorecard summary of all the key priorities and sustained activities for the MPS in 2001/2. The scorecard also takes account of resource and customer satisfaction issues. Targets which are being met are colour coded blue, those where performance is not being met are coloured red. Where more than one indicator is shown against a particular line, the colouring is prioritised so that, for example, if crime reduction targets are met but judicial disposal targets are not, the target is shown as on course. This prioritisation has been agreed at PRC. Where no target has been set the boxes show grey, and where no information is available the box remains blank.

4. Page 2 begins the performance headlines, and compares performance over the financial year to date (April to August) with year-end results for 2000/2001.

5. Members are asked to note that a corrected definition of ‘child sex abuse’ has been used in this report. Only offences dealt with by Child Protection Teams (and hence committed by carers) are now included. This change has been made to more closely reflect the wording of the Policing Plan.

6. Street crime performance was not focused upon in this report, as a separate paper was presented to PRC on this subject; this paper is also being presented to PSPM. Street crime has increased 29%, comparing April to August 2001 to the same period last year, and the judicial disposal rate is steady at around 9.5%.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Carol McDonald, MPS Corporate Performance Analysis Unit, 020 7230 3667

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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