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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Terms of reference and membership

Report: 2
Date: 29 August 2000
By: Clerk


The Committee is invited to note it’s terms of reference and membership. Also to consider any issues in relation to how it would wish to operate.

A. Supporting information


1. This Committee was established at the first meeting of the Authority on 26th June 2000 following consideration of a report into a proposed decision making structure for the Authority. The overall structure is shown in the diagram attached at Appendix 1.


2. The membership of the Committee was agreed as follows:

Richard Sumray (Chair)
Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair)
Anthony Arbour
Reshard Auladin
Roger Evans
Lynne Featherstone
R David Muir

The Chair and Deputy Chairs of the full Authority are ex-officio members and may attend meetings, but do not have voting rights.

Terms of reference

3. In addition the Committee could have a wider role in monitoring completed investigations into general quality of service complaints, other internal investigations and civil claims. Also, the Committee would have a role in considering any policy issues relating to Police Appeals Tribunals and in appointing Members to them.

As regards performance monitoring, the Committee should analyse all statistics and performance monitoring information.

Terms of reference were agreed as:

  1. To satisfy the Authority’s statutory duty to monitor complaints procedures and matters, with particular reference to issues of equal opportunities.
  2. To examine all other issues of internal complaint investigation including internal discipline matters, complaints against civil staff, quality of service complaints and civil claims.
  3. To keep the MPS anti-corruption activities under review.
  4. To investigate and deal with any complaints about the conduct of officers of ACPO rank in accordance with appropriate regulations.
  5. To consider all matters relating to discipline and complaints against ACPO rank officers, within regulations.
  6. To consider any matters relating to Police Appeal Tribunals and to arrange a rota for the appointment of Members to serve on Tribunals as and when required. NB Members to be appointed from Authority as a whole.
  7. Performance Monitoring Matters
    (N.B. - Other Committees also undertake monitoring roles)
  8. To give detailed consideration to, and monitor, the effects of, policing policies and practices on equal opportunities with particular emphasis on issues of diversity.
  9. To give detailed consideration to, and monitor, performance against the Policing Plan targets and performance indicators. This to include all Best Value performance indicators.
  10. To give detailed consideration to, and monitor performance by examining, HMIC and Audit Commission performance indicators.
  11. To consider any other performance monitoring information.
  12. To report to the Authority on any issues as appropriate.

4. There may be specialist areas where the Committee might wish to consider nominating lead members where the role of that member(s) would be to keep fully informed of developments on behalf of the Committee, represent the Committee in day-to-day dealings and keep other members informed outside of formal Committee proceedings. An alternative possibility would be to establish one or two sub-groups to keep particular areas under review, or working parties to carry out specified, time-limited tasks on behalf of the Committee.

B. Recommendation

  1. That the Terms of Reference and Membership of the Committee be noted; 

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.

D. Review arrangements

It is already agreed that there be a detailed review of all Committees in December 2000.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • Agenda Report ‘Proposed Committee Structure’ - MPA 26th June 2000

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Mike Robinson, Interim Head of Secretariat.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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