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Roles and requirements of PSPM Committee and other MPA committees in managing performance

Report: 7
Date: 29 August 2000
By: Commissioner and Clerk


This paper follows up a number of issues raised at the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring (PSPM) workshop on 26th July 2000. It includes:

  1. proposals on the role of PSPM committee in monitoring performance;
  2. a table listing available Performance Indicators (PIs) indicating which committees they might be of interest to, and comments on possible conflicts/overlaps of interest;
  3. recommendations on timing of PSPM meetings and the availability of data to support the meetings.

A. Supporting information

Information for PSPM

1. The MPS will provide a listing of performance against each of the Policing Plan targets and Best Value performance indicators each month. This list will be supported by a written commentary on the key indicators and points to note. A full report would be circulated to members of the Committee on a monthly basis.

Information for other sub-committees

2. The indicators can be grouped by subject. A table has been prepared which suggests which indicators are likely to be of interest to which MPA sub-committees (see Appendix A). Some of the sub-committees (including HR and FPBV) have already agreed additional information requirements with the MPS. These and further requirements should be made known to the PSPM committee. This information should be included in the full set of PIs provided to the PSPM Committee on a monthly basis wherever possible.

Role of PSPM

3. There is some potential over-lap between the areas of interest for the sub-committees. Sub-committees with particular responsibility for themes will have a role to play in setting and monitoring performance targets. For example, Finance, Planning and Best Value are likely to take a wide interest in performance, and to consider target setting as part of their role. Similarly, Human Resources will consider recruitment, retention and staff turnover and are likely to discuss how the MPS is performing against current targets, as well as recommending targets for the future.

4. These responsibilities may lead to some overlap of interest, and PSPM will have an important role to play in co-ordinating their activities in the performance arena. The PSPM will need to ensure that every element of performance is appropriately monitored.

5. MPS performance is being reported against the full set of Best Value and Policing Plan performance indicators. PSPM should lead a review of the agreed indicators, ensuring that they fully and effectively represent the performance of the MPS.

6. It is recommended that the Terms of Reference for PSPM be expanded to include: taking an overview of MPS performance across the whole range of indicators leading on the development of new indicators through delegation where appropriate overseeing target setting and leading on the review of the suitability of existing indicators through delegation where appropriate.

Information for the full Authority

7. The Full Authority meeting on 28th July agreed that performance would be reported on a quarterly basis.

8. It is therefore proposed that PSPM forwards a quarterly report on performance to the Full Authority meeting, adding analysis and commentary as appropriate.

Timing of PSPM meetings

9. The MPS produces performance information to support MPS senior management. Crime reports require up to 7 days for classification. Information cannot therefore be made available before the 10th day of the following month. This information is collated and analysed, and is provided to an MPS meeting (Performance Review Committee) on the third Wednesday of each month. This meeting will review the performance report and supplement the commentary before onward transmission to the MPA. On this basis, the MPS could provide a performance report to MPA by the last working day of each month, to support a PSPM meeting on the second Tuesday of the following month. This is a tight timetable and it will not be possible to hold the PSPM meeting any earlier in the month. However, this timescale will allow for MPA officers to raise any concerns about how PIs might be perceived by the public and how they might be best presented to the public with the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the PSPM Committee before a final version is sent out to Committee members and members of the public. The impact of this timing for PSPM is set out in Appendix B. This should be noted in conjunction with the report on dates of future meetings elsewhere on this agenda, which recommends the Committee meet on the second Tuesday of each month.

10. It is proposed that MPA Officers raise any concerns about how PIs might be perceived by the public and how they might be best presented to the public with the PSPM Chair and Deputy Chairs before they are formally issued to members of the public.

B. Recommendations

  1. That the full performance report is circulated to members of PSPM each month.
  2. That the table of indicators (Appendix A) is circulated to each sub-committee, seeking their agreement to the suggested distribution of information.
  3. That the Terms of Reference for PSPM are expanded to include: taking an overview of MPS performance across the whole range of indicators leading on the development of new indicators through delegation where appropriate overseeing target setting Leading on the review of the suitability of existing indicators through delegation where appropriate
  4. That PSPM forwards a quarterly report on performance to the Full Authority meeting, adding analysis and commentary as appropriate.
  5. That MPA Officers raise any concerns about how PIs might be perceived by the public and how they might be best presented to the public with the PSPM Chair and Deputy Chairs before they are formally issued to members of the public; and
  6. That the PSPM Committee notes the timetable set out in Appendix B.

C. Financial implications

No financial implications.

D. Review arrangements

The views of other committees should be reported back to PSPM by the end of September. PSPM should then make recommendations to the full authority in October.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.


F. Contact details

The author of this report is Clive Williams.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix B

Overall timetable

B.1. The full timetable for provision of regular monthly performance management reports is as follows.

Statistics for month 1 to be provided to:

  • The MPS Performance Review Committee
    by 3rd Wednesday, Month 2
  • The MPA Secretariat
    last weekday, Month 2
  • Members of PSPM Committee
    1st Tuesday, Month 3
  • Members of public
    1st Tuesday, Month 3
  • GLA
    1st Tuesday, Month 3
  • FPBV Committee members
    2nd Monday, Month 3
  • HR Committee members
    2nd Wednesday, Month 3
  • CDO Committee members
    3rd Monday, Month 3

B.2. This timetable reflects the fact that PSPM, FPBV, HR and CDO Committees will be held on a monthly basis on, respectively, the second Tuesday, third Tuesday, third Thursday and fourth Thursday of each month.

B.3. A quarterly report for Months 1, 2 and 3 would be agreed by the PSPM Committee in Month 5 and forwarded to the full Authority meeting to be held in month 6. Issues arising out of the assessment of PIs considered significant enough can be reported earlier to the full Authority on an exception basis.

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