This is report 3 from the 15 February 2011 meeting of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board, Harrow report.
Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).
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Harrow report
Report: 3
Report for the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board
Date: 15 February 2011
Report by: Detective Inspector Caroline Haines SCD2 and Detective Inspector James McEvoy CSU QA
Part A: Data, is available as a PDF
Harrow Police currently has a Community Safety Unit (CSU) which investigates all allegations of hate crime including Domestic Violence (DV). The CSU is staffed by one Detective Inspector, five Detective Sergeants and Twenty investigators, two of which are on maternity and another on a post investigation team for the Student Marches in December 10. We currently have one Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) located at Borough. SCD2 have a unit located at Barnet Police Station and investigate all offences of rape and other serious sexual offences as defined by the MOU between Territorial Policing and SCD2 Sapphire. All other allegations of a sexual nature are investigated by the Main CID office (or CSU when DV related). Harrow Borough reflects the current MPS delivery model in relation to the investigation of domestic and sexual violence. Both units work in close consultation and have a positive working relationship. This financial year the CSU are currently achieving 49% Sanction Detection rate, the target is 47%. We have an 80% detection rate in same sex relationships. The current arrest rate is 89% which is significantly above MPS target of 77%. We have had one Domestic Homicide during the relevant period, the first since April 2007. A murder review of the latest case showed no previous Domestic History or contact with services. In the reporting period, SCD2 achieved a sanction detection rate of 12.3% for all serious sexual offences.
B2: Policy compliance and quality assurance
How does the BOCU and SCD2 use risk assessment and risk management tools to ensure victims/survivors are made safer, and that perpetrators are made accountable for their behaviour?
2.1 Harrow BOCU uses the MPS Domestic Violence Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Appendix 1 as its mandate for risk assessment and risk management tools. Our use of book 124d clearly outlines the minimum levels of risk assessment using the Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence DASH model. All police staff (including front desk staff, call takers, first response officers, specialist domestic violence and child abuse investigation staff, investigating officers, custody staff, supervisors, managers and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) have appropriate training to ensure knowledge of DV and an understanding of SOP. This includes training to meet the positive obligations to protect individuals within the Human Rights Act, particularly Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Staff have access to specialist advice and training relating to matters of diversity, including gender, culture, age, religion and sexuality, which may impact on the needs of victims and matters of risk assessment and management.
2.2 Early Police intervention takes place treating all calls to domestic incidents as immediate with an attendance target of within 12 minutes. This target is routinely achieved and failures addressed at Daily Management Meeting (DMM). An aide memoir document (124d) is completed by all officers dealing with incidents and offences. It incorporates relevant definitions, policies and guidance. It promotes a thorough investigation and highlights risk heightened risk factors, it enables dynamic risk assessment to prevent harm. The ‘RARA’ model is used (remove/avoid/reduce/accept the risk). All reports are subject to an initial review by the officer’s supervisor. There is a booking in procedure for 124d, checked by CSU supervisors. Risk is measured at High Medium or Standard. Statements are included which allows case progression and reduces attrition rates. All DV cases are reviewed at the DMM. Any non compliance is dealt with robustly via line managers and overseen by the Chief Inspector Operations.
2.3 Missing Persons Linked Indices (MERLIN) reports are completed where a child or unborn child has Come To Notice (CTN). This is a direct link for our Public Protection Desk (PPD) and Social Service referrals supporting Every Child Matters (ECM). Over the relevant period two high risk infants have been taken into Police Protection with hostile victims unwilling to take action against abusers. We currently arrest 89% of all offenders. Police National Computer (PNC) checks are completed on those present. This has resulted in identifying breaches or orders, immigration and wanted offenders. Safety planning is put into place where risk is identified.
2.4 An experienced investigator is allocated each case. Due to such a high arrest rate evidence gathering from victims is routinely immediate. Otherwise all victims are contacted within 24hrs. Secondary investigation includes intelligence and historic checks on all parties to provide insight into domestic position to identify and manage risk and to assist investigation including interview. All CSU officers have an IIP licence which allows a Met wide search indices. We also have National Indices (NI) Licences via our Borough Intelligence Unit (BIU). An Investigation and risk management is recorded on Crime Reporting Information System (CRIS). Missing Persons and related linked indices (Merlin) and Criminal Intelligence System (Crimint) is cross referenced. Operational support and guidance is available such as Forensic Science Service (FSS) for forensic, photographic, crime scene management on a case-by-case basis. We currently detect 49% of all reported crime. In high risk cases and where necessary victims are summonsed to court to give evidence against their perpetrators. An Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) on Harrow Borough contacts victims providing practical advice such as how to obtain injunctions, and services available from other agencies Appendix 2.
2.5 In the context of policing domestic violence the fulfilment of legal obligations to prevent further offences and protect adult and child victims is insured by safety planning throughout the Criminal Justice System (CJS). Suspects are remanded in custody to reduce risk and reasons recorded. Mechanisms are in place to update victims from the infancy of event through to conviction and release from court or prison. We have Violent and Forensic Offender Management (VAFOM) and Prisons and Probation Information Management System (PIMs) program monitoring prisoner process through to release. At the conclusion of the Criminal Justice Systems, Victims are updated and a further risk assessment is made to manage future violence and families fears. We positively promote the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) obtaining restraining orders on conviction or acquittal for any criminal offence.
2.6 Where there is a disclosure of rape or other serious sexual offence Harrow BOCU refers immediately to SCD2. A trained SOIT officer is then assigned to meet the victim within an hour, regardless of how much time has passed since the offence took place. If not already completed within a 124D, the SOIT will conduct an initial risk assessment using the SPECSS model. An aide memoire is provided within the SOIT log which is opened by the SOIT once they are deployed. Based on the SPECSS answers and any other risk factors particular to that situation, the risk will be assessed as standard, medium or high.
2.7 In a DV case where the risk is medium or high, a Part 2 Risk assessment is completed, further exploring the history of the relationship and risk factors.
2.8 Supervision is vital in relation to risk management and all initial risk assessments and risk management plans are supervised by the on duty Detective Sergeant (DS) conducting the 10-18 hour review in relation to all SCD2 investigations. Risk assessments are subject to ongoing reviews by supervisors at regular intervals according to the standard operating procedure for the investigation of rape and serious assaults. On a high risk case this will be at 10-18 hours (DS), 7 day (DI), 28 days (DCI).
2.9 The investigation of serious sexual offences can be more complex than for the majority of DV offences where there is a positive arrest policy. SCD2 investigations are victim focussed, however a decision to arrest against the victims express wishes will on occasions be made, taking into account the risk to the victim, other persons within the household, and the general public. If there is no positive arrest for serious sexual assault, there will be a review of any alternative avenues for arrest. It is common in DV cases, for example, that suspects are still arrested for non-sexual assaults in line with the positive arrest policy. In every case where SCD2 do not arrest, the risk is reviewed and an assessment is made of any further support that can be offered to the victim, or any non police agencies that can be used to attempt to engage them. Similarly to the CSU teams, SCD2 liaises closely with the IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) to assist in risk management where appropriate. If the case fits the MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) criteria, a referral is made via the CSU Detective Inspector.
2.10 The SCD2 intelligence unit conducts daily reviews of all sexual offences reported to police for the previous 24 hour period. Any cases identified as high risk are discussed at the SCD2 Daily Management Meeting (DMM), where actions are raised and closely monitored by the senior management team. This will include high risk domestic violence offences, offences classified as group or gang related, as well as ‘Stranger One’ (where there is no previous connection between victim and suspect) or ‘Stranger Two’ (where there has been a brief acquaintance or association).
2.11 A key aspect of any investigation into a serious sexual offence is the forensic strategy. This is particularly the case where the offender is unknown. In such stranger cases, where the offender is not yet identified and therefore still at large, the risk to the general public can only be considered as high. As a result there are procedures in place to ensure early forensic intervention and urgent submission of forensic samples. This early intervention is an example of how the risk of further offending is managed in stranger rape cases.
2.12 Where any suspect in custody is considered a bail risk, this is referred immediately to the London Rape Charging Centre (LRCC) or CPS Direct (CPSD) in order for a charging decision to be made on the threshold test, in order to remand the suspect in custody. This is a key tool in risk management. Where the threshold test is not met and bail is necessary, all investigating officers in consultation with the custody officer considers the imposing of pre charge (police) bail conditions. Any offences of breach of bail, or offences of witness intimidation for SCD2 cases are immediately brought to the attention of an SCD2 supervisor and positive action is taken.
2.13 For cases that fit their criteria, there is a documented process for submission of material by SCD2 to the Serious Crime Analysis Section (SCAS). This material is entered onto a national database and enables the SCAS team to identify possible linked series on a national level, or to provide details to investigators of ‘similar’ offences where a distinctive method is used. This process also assists in risk management by identifying possible emerging series at an early stage.
2.14 High risk or incidents of critical community concern will be discussed at the BOCU DMM and where appropriate the SCD DI will brief BOCU colleagues. Jointly both SCD2 and Harrow BOCU will ensure appropriate measures are in place to support and reassure the community.
What work is being done to ensure that the 124D (or DASH 2008) form is being used consistently across the borough in 100% of domestic violence cases and that the information it collects is being entered onto the relevant MPS IT systems e.g. CRIS, MERLIN, and CRIMINT?
2.15 See 2.1+2 above which details our use of the MPS SOP around completion of DASH model. A booking in system corresponding to CRIS and good communication and training with duty and front line officers guarantees 100% compliance which we currently enjoy. Our Public Protection Unit (PPU) systems and process examines MERLIN and CRIMINT compliance. All reports are cross referenced with Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) reference, with MERLIN and CRIMINT. Every Domestic Violence report whether a crime or specified incident is reviewed by the Detective Inspector or deputy daily and the report is marked as such.
2.16 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) to Crime Recording Information System (CRIS) ratio (this is the amount of calls made to police compared to the amount that get recorded as a crime) for DV and the relevant time period is 75.7% this is in keeping with the MPS average 77.8% however we accept must be enhanced with the need to record all domestic instances on CRIS. We intend to achieve this through consultation with Metcall and IBO supervisors. The Arrest rate for the same time period is 89% this is above the MPS target. This is a success considering tolerable problem solving approaches taken on low level events such as warnings for one off Telecom offences and First Instant Harassment warnings.
How does SCD2 / the (B)OCU respond to cases of sexual and / or domestic violence, in which there are police officers or staff involved, or counter-allegations, multiple victims or multiple perpetrators? How many of these are there?
2.17 During the relevant time period Harrow BOCU has had one police officer identified as a perpetrator of domestic violence. In all incidents involving MPS employees the CSU supervisors ensure they comply with the MPS DV SOP which gives clear directions on how to manage both victims and perpetrators that are employed by the MPS. The officer in our case was arrested and his duties dealt with by his Superintendant on his relevant Borough in partnership with DPS (Directorate of Professional Standards). Close consultation took place and guidance was sought throughout the investigation up to bringing the case to CPS. The case was supervised by the CSU DI and DPS and case progression shared with Superintendant of relevant Borough. Post investigation SOP ‘Managing Restricted and Suspended officers’ was disseminated to enhance awareness to all CSU Staff. Harrow Borough has very good links with its local Directorate Professional Standards (DPS).
2.18 During the relevant period Harrow BOCU has had no reports of a member of Police Staff being victim of domestic violence. As in 2.1 above there is awareness of the relevant SOP and needs for management of welfare and support managed.
2.19 CSU supervisors ensure that they comply with the MPS DV SOP which gives clear guidance on dealing with counter allegations. Staff are trained to investigate fully and where possible to refrain from arresting both parties by correctly choosing a victim. CSU staff have had an induction training period with our Crime Management Unit CMU manager focused on Integrity of Crime Recording with Home Office Counting Rules. On the 23th December 2010 the CSU DI sat in a forum with Data Accuracy team (DAT) leads and has since disseminated Home office guidance on counter allegations. All staff are encouraged to establish the truth and bring offenders of DV to justice particularly in cases were cross allegations exist. Where applicable particularly when there is chronic offending or children witness/experience and suffer joint violence, all legislation is considered to remove risk and problem solve.
2.20 For the relevant period 280 crimes, 21.5% of all crimes were repeat crimes with 121 repeat victims, 10.4% of all victims. We have seven crimes with one victim. Five with one victim, four with six victims. Eighteen with three and the final 95 being a second report. CSU staff conduct a five year search on both victim and suspect to identify any incident involving either, regardless of whether it is linked to DV. Checks are also conducted with outside agencies such as Probation and mental health services. A wide range of problem solving is used to disrupt the cycle of repeat offending, including civil remedy. Such an example is where domestic violence could be heard from neighbours with an unwilling victim. An ASBO to reduce noise was breached by the suspect who received a 10 week custodial sentence. We monitor repeat victims, especially those of high risk and those with a disability. We have not achieved a victimless prosecution during this period, although we have summonsed victims to court to provide evidence with success.
2.21 During the period in the 12 months to 30 November 2010 SCD2 has investigated no allegations within Harrow that have involved serving police officers or police staff. Counter allegations in serious sexual assault are rare and there have been no such allegations investigated by SCD2 during this reporting period.
2.22 At the beginning of every SCD2 investigation, full research is carried out to identify whether the victim has previously reported similar offences. During the reporting period two repeat victims have been identified on Harrow’s Borough. One is a child who is now subject of a Care Plan by Harrow’s Children’s Services. The suspects were identified and this investigation was referred to the London Rape Charging Centre however there were no charges brought due to insufficient evidence and public interest. The other repeat victim is a vulnerable adult female with a history of depression and alcohol abuse. On both occasions she attended the Haven for forensic examination and was offered aftercare including counselling. She was also referred by her SOIT officer to local support within the Borough of Harrow but declined this as she has since moved away from the area. In relation to her first allegation the victim was unwilling to support a prosecution, but the suspect was identified and the case referred to the London Rape Charging centre. There was insufficient evidence to charge. The second investigation is ongoing.
2.23 In the reporting period there have been two allegations of multiple offender sexual assaults on single victims. The first case is the child referred to at 2.20. In the other case the victim was also a child. A total of 10 suspects were identified in that matter. The case was referred to the London Rape Charging centre but there was insufficient evidence to charge.
2.24 Multi perpetrator serious sexual offences are by definition considered ‘high risk’ offences and as such obtain an enhanced level of resources and supervision within the SCD 2 investigation team.
B3: Partnership working and Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRP)
What is the proportion of funding dedicated to tackling domestic and sexual violence from within the overall CDRP budget?
3.1 Safer Harrow our CDRP has no money of its own. It influences the way the Council and the Police use their budgets, including allocation in the past of SSCF funds and elements of the BCU fund that have been made available for partnership work. The Sanctuary Project works are funded by the Council's contributions to the Homelessness Budget as works are carried out to prevent people becoming homeless through fear of DV. There is £28m Council Funding available on a pound for pound basis from Home Office funding. The total cost of the preferred DV service is £190k. If local council can attract £95k from the Home Office, they will need to find a further £48k and £47k worth of other services to balance the Home Office grant. Both Victim Support and Hestia are applying to the Council's grants programme for £48k. The Home Office grant is for a four year term. Other services who require funding are WISH Counselling Service for young persons, EACH Counselling-drug alcohol related, Victim Support Services (VSS), Hestia Woman’s Aid. Fresh Start Family Recovery Program, Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) Independent Domestic Advisor (IDVA), Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA), Sanctuary Scheme and Six bed spaces at a Woman’s Refuge.
Is Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence considered as part of the annual Strategic Assessment? Has domestic and sexual violence been identified as a priority within the Partnership Plan? Are there any CDRP domestic and or sexual violence projects in progress?
3.2 Domestic Violence has been part of the annual Strategic Assessment during the relevant period and continues to be for the current year. A coordinated range of service and initiatives exist in Harrow to identify and intervene early and to provide support and recovery for victims and their children and reduce repeat victimisation of abuse.
3.3 Harrow Domestic Violence Forum has had a long term commitment to reducing domestic violence whilst at the same time encouraging victims to report offences and to provide them with focused support. The CSP supports a broad range of stakeholder groups targeting issues related to domestic violence. It is part of the Community Safety Strategy to reduce DV.
3.4 Current action is being undertaken to increase the number of referrals to MARAC especially from partner agencies. This has successfully delivered twice the level of referrals to the panel. The overall reduction of RV has yet to be delivered and the focus must now be upon more active management of risk if the reduction target is to be achieved whilst also increasing the volume of referrals.
3.5 The Community Safety Team within the Local Authority has developed a Multi Agency Violence against Women and Girls Strategy which should be rolled out form March 2011. This will look at the broader violence against women arena and include domestic violence and also trafficking, people involved in prostitution, female genital mutilation etc. This strategy will support the Home Office VAWG strategy but essentially it will be a Community Safety Partnership Strategy.
3.6 The CDRP funded one IDVA based at Harrow working with VSS and an additional IDVA working in Harrow Magistrates Court. The current IDVA work within the CSU office and are an integral part of the CSU team, having forged effective links with partnership agencies. Both IDVAs are jointly funded by LAA reward grant money which is split between Police and Local Authority. This has been cut and no other funding streams are apparent. With a Home Office decision to Close Harrow Magistrates Court we have arranged and provided accommodation for two Victim Support Staff who will been displaced. This will assist with continued victim support.
3.7 There are a number of CDRP projects in place for domestic and or sexual violence.
- Professionals Domestic and Sexual Online Guidance launched November 2010
- Guidance for friends/neighbours of adult victims
- Guidance for helping your friends / mates young people
- Holiday guidance for schools re FGM and forced Marriage
- WISH - Counselling service for young people
- Breaking the Spiral - summer activity programmed children age 5 -13 who are survivors of domestic violence, abuse and neglect.
- Women’s Wishes - community development program offering a range of creative and fitness opportunities for local women of abuse
- Each DV Counselling (drug and alcohol)
- Hestia Women’s Aid Floating Support
- Fresh Start Family 16 Week Recovery Program victims of abuse.
3.8 Harrow’s SCD2 team have recently been successful in bidding for £1000 from the Harrow CDRP in order to refurbish the victim comfort suite. This is located at Barnet Police Station and is the place where all victims are brought when first making an allegation of serious sexual assault, and where they attend for follow up visits as the investigation progresses. This is a joint project led by SCD2 also involving Barnet Borough and the Victim Support Scheme (VSS). The refurbishment will make a dramatic improvement to the environment that we are able to offer victims at a crisis point in their lives. The project also plans to involve local schools in designing the artwork for the room. This part of the project will also provide an opportunity for prevention work with young girls and will be used to ensure pupils understand appropriate sexual behaviour, as well as giving them the confidence to take a positive and proactive stance on sexual bullying.
How does the BOCU and SCD2 work in partnership with voluntary and statutory sector agencies locally? What training is delivered in partnership with the community?
3.9 MARAC has been in place since 2007 on the Borough. To prevent and reduce repeat and chronic offending we have arrangements in place for multi agency case conferences. We have an effective Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) in place which meets Monthly. MARAC provides public protection arrangements. A MARAC Steering Group in place led by Harrow Council which promotes a professional judgement and decision-making structure to ensure all relevant issues are covered. Harrow Domestic Violence Forum Harrow Council also runs a forum providing a multi agency response to domestic violence. The multi-agency forum, (including Police and representatives from local voluntary and statutory organisations) works together with informed decision-making processes within and between partner agencies; See Appendix ‘2’.
3.10. The MARAC co-ordinator has and continues to be involved in promoting and encouraging referrals from all concerned agencies. The current Detective Inspector (Chair) of MARAC, together with the Local Authority and IDVA have worked with CAADA to improve the current MARAC making it more efficient effective and meaningful in talking risk. Such ensuring an undertaking for partners to attend, Information sharing and protocol agreement. Comprehensive minutes, accountable actions, referral process, and meeting format. In order to ensure effective risk management, a steering group was set up in September 2010 and has presented its recommendations to the MARAC which will continue. Changes in the minutes have already been introduced, which clearly highlight risk areas, actions arising and agency responsible with completion deadlines.
2.11 In the relevant period 299 cases were referred to MARAC. Within this figure there were 120 repeat referrals 40%. There were 286 female victims and 13 male. 195 instances 65% had children involved that needed safeguarding. During the last 3 months referrals to MARAC have increased by encouraging agencies into the referral process which had been predominantly Police driven. We average 25 referrals per month.
3.12 The IDVAs work closely with the London Borough of Harrows Housing Sanctuary Scheme, and during the relevant period there were sixteen (16) Sanctuary referrals. Fourteen (14) installations. The unchanged year on year budget is funded by CDRP at thirty eight thousand pounds (£38000).
3.13 The DSV has delivered bespoke training (Domestic and Sexual Violence Guidance) to staff and agencies across the Borough to facilitate increased reporting of DV increasing understanding of DV across cultural boundaries, and to highlight the importance and relevance that all dialogue is translated in its entirety.
3.14 Statutory Partner: Haven. As with all SCD2 teams there is a close working relationship with the Haven. The nominated Haven for Barnet and Harrow cases is Haven Paddington. The anonymous referrals system means that victims can refer anonymously at any clinic, where, according to the rota SCD2 officers from Harrow/Barnet will attend and meet with a victim to discuss their options and provide advice and support.
3.15 Statutory Partner: CPS. SCD2 also has a close relationship with CPS. This ensures the highest level of attention is given to the progression of cases of serious sexual assault. The vast majority of SCD2 cases are now referred to the LRCC. There has been a dramatic improvement in joint working since the start of LRCC, with the focus being very much on early joint case building. As with all SCD2 teams, the LRCC aims to conduct a telephone consultation with the officer in the case within 3 days of bail of a suspect. Following this a face to face consultation takes place with the officer in the case and the LRCC Lawyer. Once a charging decision has been reached all Harrow cases are transferred to Harrow CPS Branch and a new rape specialist is appointed. The SCD2 DI meets with the Harrow BCP on a monthly basis to ensure the continued progression of all SCD2 cases. This is a formal meeting in which minutes are taken. For the few SCD2 cases that fall outside the LRCC remit, Harrow CPS offer SCD2 a fortnightly ‘surgery’ where appointments can be made to discuss the case with a rape specialist. In more urgent cases the working relationship is such that advice appointments outside this time are accommodated. If the case is an in-custody (threshold test) case then this is referred directly to the LRCC for an immediate charging decision if in office hours. If outside of these hours, the case is referred to CPS Direct.
3.16 Statutory Partner: Social Services. In relation to SCD2’s engagement with Harrow Social Services as a statutory partner, the SCD2 DI attends a monthly managers meeting with representatives present from the Safeguarding, Family Placement and Support Service in order to discuss working practices in general, and specific cases in particular, if necessary. This is a joint meeting with managers from SCD5 (Child abuse Investigation Team). It is recognised by SCD2 that SCD5 have longstanding and excellent working arrangements with the local authority and SCD2 aims to emulate this using the same practices in relation to joint investigations.
3.17 SCD2 have also forged close links with VSS and last year the VSS Manager for Harrow attended a team meeting together with one of the IDVA’s to meet the team and outline the support services they are able to offer and improve working arrangements. SOIT officers also have a good knowledge of local agencies and projects and will provide referrals to or contact details of support services most appropriate to the victims needs. We also have a notice board visible to victims, displaying various local support services, with leaflets available for victims to take. There is also a central point of contact within the SCD2 intranet site where SOIT officers can establish what is available for victims with particular circumstances, for example if they live outside of the Borough or they are in need of specialist support that for whatever reason may not be available locally.
3.18 Partners from both the Voluntary and Statutory sector attend as guest speakers for the week long mandatory SCD2 course.
Are there any police or partnership initiatives to tackle Violence against Women? E.g. looking at trafficking and or prostitution, sexual exploitation of girls in gangs, forced marriage etc
3.19 The Harrow Community Safety Team within the Local Authority has introduced ‘Violence against Women and Girls Strategy’. Within the relevant period our research shows the BOCU had no reported incidents of Forced Marriage (FM). With regard to Honour Based Violence (HBV) we had 4 reported incidents in the relevant period. The CSU suspect this figure does not accurately reflect the true volume of such incidents within the Borough, we have raised the issue of HBV and FM at DV forum Meeting to identify multi agency service provision gaps and develop a cohesive response to this. In order to increase awareness and encourage accurate reporting, in the BOCU (as it is essential these incidents are flagged), CSU staff have undergone non-mandatory Home Office e-learning around these issues. A further knowledge gap identified across the BOCU has been addressed to help front line staff recognise the difference between forced and arranged marriage, and the necessity of alerting appropriately skilled staff at the earliest opportunity. This has been reinforced in the current bespoke CSU training being disseminated across the BOCU.
B4: Work with victims and communities
How does the BOCU and SCD2 monitor service user satisfaction and or seek feedback from victims / survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and then integrate any improvements into policy and practice?
4.1 To contribute to increased victim satisfaction in police responses to domestic violence we effectively follow the Victims Code of Practice (VCOP). This is monitored daily by Crime Management Unit (CMU) and managed at DMM. We monitor complaints and have a Complaints intervention scheme, however we have only received 6 complaints over the relevant period. We were are actively involved in initiatives such as White Ribbon day 25th November 2010 where we sat on a ‘Question Time’ type panel responding to community issues and diversity issues relating to DV. We are currently designing training for girls aged 11+ with Victim Support Services and Harrow Education at seven Local Schools. We have third party reporting sites with our partners and reporting pathways through MARAC. We have recently created engagement with local community members and set up Harrows Independent Advisory Group (IAG). On 5TH December 2010 the group we provided with a comprehensive presentation giving insight into DV. The group were encouraged to offer consultation on Domestic Violence in members of minority communities, In particular to promote reporting and provide advice on honour based violence. We comply with child protection processes, including assistance in the fulfilment of legal obligations and commitments to other agencies (e.g. child protection enquiries, referrals of children to social services, information sharing protocols, Multi-Agency Public Protection Panels and other similar arrangements).
4.2 In line with MPS policy, the User Satisfaction Survey (USS) and the Public Attitude Survey are not used to obtain feedback from victims of domestic violence or sexual violence. However, feedback, either positive or negative is provided by the IDVA and CSU DI and highlighted as good practice or areas for improvement where necessary. Issues raised by victims and practitioners can be addressed during any of the multi agency meetings attended as listed above in 3.7 - 3.9 Generally, the feedback is positive, e.g., the IDVA reported positive comments from a victim, regarding an investigation which had concluded where the CSU officer continues to provide safeguarding and risk management advice to the victim. However, where necessary we take corrective action for example effectively dealing with issues as complaints.
4.3 SCD2 has a system of victim feedback that is addressed at the end of each investigation. It is the responsibility of the victim’s SOIT officer to discuss the user feedback form (UFF) with the victim once the investigation is completed. If the victim is willing to accept the feedback form this is normally given to them personally, however if preferred it can be sent by e-mail. The feedback is anonymous and the results are collected centrally. This is still a relatively new process and the command is looking at other ways to invite victim feedback, including involving the VSS in providing questionnaires. All UFF’s are returned anonymously in a pre paid envelope to a central MPS unit independent of SCD2, and the information contained within is evaluated. Any feedback (positive or negative) is forwarded to the SCD2 Senior Management Team, and where there is a need identified that relates to policy and procedure this is fed into the Continuous improvement team for action.
4.4 There is a CRIS flag to enable compliance in relation to UFF to be monitored. The issuing of UFF is a specific performance target for SOIT officers.
4.5 The local SCD2 DI has a policy that she will not close a case until the UFF has been specifically addressed by the appointed SOIT.
4.6 A quality of service report (QSR) process exists between the Havens and MPS and is used to pass on comments on any quality of service issues (both good and bad) between the organisations. All such issues are fed into the SCD2 Continuous Improvement Team to ensure shared learning where appropriate.
How does the (B)OCU and SCD2 ensure compliance with the Victims Code of Practice and that victims are provided with regular updates on cases and informed quickly of any changes or decisions (particularly those which may impact on their safety e.g. release on bail)?
4.7 The BOCU is compliant with Victims Code of Practice (VCOP) and our commitment to this is ensuring our CMU do daily checks anticipating failures and providing them to DMM. DMM actions relevant departments to ensure compliance and improvement on our performance. Compliance with VCOP forms part of each CSU officer’s personal objectives.
4.8 The CSU have implemented a local practice whereby we have direct notification from Prisoner Intelligence Notification System (PINS). We have a trained officer with a PIMS Licence. CSU supervisors re-open the crime pre release creating an action plan which includes victim contact, further risk assessment and plan to manage risk. This keeps the victim informed and provides quality service. Appropriate cases are managed through MAPPA process.
4.9 In SCD2 cases a SOIT is always deployed to the victim who is responsible for providing the victim with updates in line with VCOP. SCD2 monitors VCOP compliance. The majority of VCOP entries on the Crime Reporting Information System (CRIS) will therefore be completed by the SOIT officers. Where the appointed SOIT is not available and an important update is required, such as a suspect being released on bail, the update will be given by the deputy SOIT (if appointed), the officer in the case, or a supervisor.
4.10 VCOP compliance is monitored by SCD2 DS conducting the seven day ongoing supervision and by the DI conducting 28 day reviews. Centrally the SCD Crime Management Unit publishes weekly VCOP ‘failure’ data which is forwarded to line managers in order to address. In the vast majority of cases the ‘failure’ is found to be an administrative error; that is to say that there has been documented victim contact, but the victim charter page has not been updated on the CRIS. This issue is addressed by line managers.
How do the BOCU and SCD2 build trust and confidence with hard to reach communities, particularly around sensitive cultural issues such as forced marriage and honour-based violence?
4.11 We have a Detective Sergeant in the CSU who took has responsibility to overview LGBT issues for both the unit and the Borough. The five same sex incidents over the relevant period were brought to the attention of this officer, which allows appropriate referrals to supporting agencies, such as Broken Rainbows. The officer also attends LGBT forums, and partnership meetings, to encourage reporting and awareness of the services offered by the CSU. Two separate officers deal with race issue and Elder abuse. Our Third party reporting site with LB of Harrow encourages reports of honour based violence. White Ribbon day in November 2010 was an opportunity to engage with over 100 professionals and support agencies who themselves have large contacts with service uses and potential victims. The CSU DI has arranged training with LB Harrow education for teachers on the borough to raise awareness of sighs of abuse in families hand how to deal with disclosure of abuse or recognise signs. We are currently arranging training with girls at school aged 11+ to highlight issues of abuse.
4.12 In addition to the Haven services, SCD2 have links with various London based services that support victims within otherwise hard to reach communities. The West London Rape Crisis Service has recently opened and now has a local outreach service for Harrow women. This unit is one of the specialist services of Women and Girls Network (WGN), which provides holistic therapeutic services to women who have experienced various forms of sexual assault and violence including trafficking, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, and forced marriage. Katie Holmes the centre manager has recently been to visit the local SCD2 office and met some members of the team. The team take a proactive approach in referring victims to this and other such services, discussing with them the options available and assisting with the referrals process. Where the victim has been introduced to an IDVA they also facilitate referrals in a similar way. The SCD2 team maintain a stock of leaflets and flyers (where they are available) for all services, and display posters to raise the profile of these services. SCD2 also refer to a number of other organisations that specialise in engaging with hard to reach communities, such as the Refuge community outreach service for Eastern European Women, Southall Black Sisters, Poppy Project, IKWRO, Galop and Respect.
4.13 From a strategic perspective the SCD2 DI has engaged with numerous partners locally, for example by participating in the MARAC, meeting local IDVAs and managers of services such as the WGN referred to above, in order to raise the profile of SCD2 particularly in the light of fairly recent organisational change. The team has on occasion received referrals direct from such third parties, whereby a victim has come to a decision to report to police after being given the necessary support. This is seen as a positive step towards building trust and confidence within the most hard to reach communities and the organisations supporting them.
B5: Organisational improvement
Where there have been recommendations from homicide reviews or serious case reviews, what are they and how have they been implemented?
5.1 There has been one domestic violence homicide during the period, however parties in this event had no former contact with Police or any agency. The unit is aware of homicide statistics and potential risks in every case if DV. Risk is measured bearing in mind fatal consequences of DV. The fact we have had no domestic related homicides with history during the period gives some hope we have prevented a serious event.
5.2 There have been no SCD2 serious case reviews in the reporting period for the Borough of Harrow.
How have close working practices been maintained between SCD2 and the BOCU?
5.3 Joint working between Harrow and SCD2 is harmonious. Feedback on the Boroughs golden hour response to SCD2 sex offences is very positive. A recent case in October 2010 which originated as a Borough assault with late disclosure of rape demonstrated staff working together carrying out significant enquires, disregarding remit to achieve a positive outcome of Charge and remand.
5.4 SCD2 Harrow/Barnet is based at High Barnet Police Station in the Borough of Barnet. Although not in Harrow Borough, SCD2 provides an equal service to both Harrow BOCU and Harrow residents.
5.5 Mutual assistance is freely provided. A typical example is where specialist advice and support is required by Harrow BOCU in the case of a report of a sexual assault, where the exact detail is not clear. It is common for an SCD2 SOIT to be deployed, in order to obtain a first account and provide an assessment of the allegation. This support is freely provided even though it may later be established that no serious sexual offence is being alleged. Alternatively it is common for the BOCU to support SCD2 by providing resources in high profile cases, for example assistance in conducting witness appeals, or anniversary appeals, and also to provide reassurance patrols where the community impact assessment dictates them to be necessary.
Where there have been cases of honour-based violence has the HBV Action Plan proved fit for purpose? If not, how could it be improved?
5.6 We recognise and look for risk factors which highlight honour based violence and our investigations probe to highlight such. We have had no Honour based homicides during the relevant period. Our risk management and experience in the unit encourages a positive reaction to potential risk and ensuring HBV minimum standards of investigation take place. This was recently highlighted when we achieved the re- housing of a victim in partnership with social services and housing freeing a victim from potential harm and offering a better quality of life. Working with Refuge services we encourage the difficult decisions to flee from homes where honour based violence may exist. Where offences are apparent we are insistent in problem solving through the Criminal Justice System.
What have been the successes and areas for improvement of Public Protection Desks?
5.7 Functions within the Public Protection desk model are located at Harrow who work closely with CSU and meet daily to coordinate potential risk. They have close contact with Social services and push for joint positive action. Risk issues are highlighted daily at the DMM and where appropriate action plans are set. PPD has regular multi agency meetings to set strategies to address risk. Within the Borough there is good interagency co-operation especially around PACS and DV with local social services. We are currently at an advanced planning stage of improvement by implementing The Integrated Service Model - the ‘frond door’ which will include the co-location of key agencies at one site in the Harrow Civic Centre where all referrals will be handled. Key partners, including local police (PPD) will be sited within a secure area with access to MPS databases, working alongside other agencies such as Social Care, Health and Education who will also have access to their data. Other key agencies will be introduced as appropriate.
What single improvement do the BOCU think the Metropolitan Police Service could make which would greatly improve the response to a) domestic and b) sexual violence locally?
5.8 Reducing the age of victims of domestic violence to 16 years from 18 years. This would provide wider recognition, support and protection for young people who are in intimate and meaningful relationships. This change would reduce risk to young people particularly teenage girls in relationships with older boys or adult men. This would provide positive early intervention tackling domestic abuse and a culture of abuse.
5.9 The key to effective investigation of serious sexual offences is to have sufficient appropriately skilled and experienced staff to deliver the highest possible standard of investigation. Staff increases to match the current workloads are not yet in place and this is the single improvement that would greatly improve the overall response to sexual violence. Support for SCD2 teams is currently being provided in appropriate cases by SCD1 (Murder and Homicide Command). Work continues to recruit permanent staff in order to support the operational teams in the face of extremely heavy workloads, with the creation of the Complex Case Team which is due to be partially operational from 14th February 2011. The SCD2 team at Barnet and Harrow has been particularly badly affected by a lack of SOIT officers and since implementation in September 2009 has been a priority team within the command for the posting of newly trained officers. During the reporting period the team has had only 5 SOIT officers, however the number of SOIT posts has since increased to 8. At the time of submitting this report the SOIT strength has increased to 6 with 2 vacancies, to be filled by the end of March 2011.
What do you think the MPA Domestic and Sexual Violence Board and its Members could do to help or support SCD2 / the (B) OCU in dealing with domestic and/or sexual violence?
5.10 We feel we are making a difference around Domestic Abuse. Performance demonstrates this. We agree with and want to achieve performance statistics, such targets proves volume arrest and Sanctioned Detections. Targets promote officers taking positive action to tackle domestic violence and take the difficult decision making away from victims of abuse. Current targets are being achieved at Harrow however we recognise increasing such targets may undermine focus on problem solving approaches and victim confidence which play a great part in disrupting a cycle of domestic abuse. Current targets are clearly achievable and still give opportunity to focus on our victims and provide quality service. Accepting current adept targets and not escalating them further should be seriously considered rather than being a yearly instinctive rise.
5.11 Rape remains one of the most under-reported crimes. Public endorsement from the MPA in relation to SCD2’s commitment to victim focus will help improve community confidence and positively influence victim’s willingness to report incidents, substantiate their allegations with statements and give evidence at trials.
Equality and Diversity Statement
Harrow covers 50 square kilometres (20 square miles). It is the 12th largest borough in The Met in terms of area, but 21st in terms of size of its population of 228,100. Harrow's average density is 43 persons per hectare, which makes it one of the more densely populated outer London Boroughs. Harrow has the highest level of religious diversity of any Local Authority in England and Wales, and potentially Europe. Harrow BOCU is committed to providing a fair and accessible service that responds to the needs of our communities and is reflective of the people we serve. We will strive to build an ethos within our BOCU where MPS Values and Behaviours are a part of everything we do and where our staff know they will be listened to and treated with respect. This is in line with the MPS Diversity and Equality Strategy 2009-2013. We ensure that all victims of DV or SV are dealt with according to their individual needs and this is put in practice by working closely in partnership with all of our statutory and voluntary partners whilst ensuring that carefully drafted practices and policies are adhered to. Harrow BOCU has a Diversity Forum that meets quarterly. This group has membership from Police Officers and Staff as well as members of the community. The group looks at all aspects of diversity involving the Police both within and outside the organisation in support of the MPS Diversity and Equality Strategy. We have also recently introduced an IAG in November 2010. Our CSU has meaningful links with partners from all partners detailed in appendix 2. We have quarterly LBGT and Race forums as per McPherson report recommendations. We run an extensive third party reporting scheme for all hate crime with our partners Appendix 2 and LB OF Harrow Race Equality Group. Harrow PPU DI is a member of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults review group who meet 6 times a year. We have a designated Detective Sergeant who deals with referrals for safeguarding.
SCD2 are committed to equality in all aspects of service delivery. All victims, irrespective of their personal circumstances, age, disability, gender, race, religious belief, faith or sexual orientation are be presumed to be credible and able to sustain proceedings with adequate/appropriate support where necessary (for which all avenues must be explored sensitively and appropriately) if this is the wish of the victim. All have access to our service irrespective of their personal circumstances. In line with the SCD2 Standard Operating procedure, care is taken not to communicate moral judgments to the victim and there is avoidance of questions that might imply criticism of the victim's lifestyle or behaviour.
The premise of any investigation into serious sexual assault is that SCD2 accept reports made by any victim in the first instance as being truthful. An offence will only be considered as unsubstantiated after a full and thorough investigation, and only if additional verifiable evidence comes to light.
Internally, SCD2 wholly support the MPS Equality and Diversity strategy and are also committed to the MPS flexible working policy. The Barnet / Harrow team currently have 2 staff (both Detective Constables) on flexible working patterns. All SCD2 staff has appropriate support from line management and occupational health, in order to safeguard their welfare in such a particularly stressful and often emotionally demanding area of work.
SCD2 have a Diversity Forum, which consists of a variety of sub-groups, and is actively involved in developing innovative approaches to ensure the command meet the needs of its staff within the necessary legislative framework, as well as enhancing the policing response towards victims and partner agencies. The forum conducts periodic staff surveys, to ensure the working environment continues to reflect the needs of SCD2 staff. The Diversity Forum is determined to understand the needs of everyone and to positively influence the working environment both internally and externally.
Appendix 1
Domestic Violence Policy
This policy and accompanying Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the investigation of domestic violence, creates a framework for all staff to provide a professional and standard response. It incorporates the MPS risk Identification, assessment and management tool to be used for assessing levels of risk to victims with strategies to manage identified risk(s). This policy cancels previous Item 10, 48/2004, 1 December 2004.
This Policy takes effect immediately. All police officers and police staff, including the extended police family and those working voluntarily or under contract to the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) must be aware of, and are required to comply with, all relevant Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) policy and associated procedures. However, this policy applies in particular to officers and staff in the following roles:
Police officers and police staff investigating domestic violence
Police officer and police staff supervisors
Crime Management Units
Borough Intelligence Unit
Community Safety Unit
Forensic Services
Court Police Liaison Officers
Criminal Justice Units
Safer Neighbourhood Teams
Borough Senior Management Teams
Note: This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
The MPS is committed to make London the safest major city in the world, seeking to prevent and detect crimes of domestic violence and by working in partnership with other agencies. The MPS will hold perpetrators of domestic violence accountable for their actions; and stop the violence, ensuring the safety of victims and their children experiencing domestic violence.
Domestic Violence is: 'Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults, aged 18 and over, who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender and sexuality' (Family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister and grandparents, whether directly related, in-laws or step-family.) (ACPO 2004)
Policy Statement
Where domestic violence has occurred, our aim is: To investigate the incident and identify, arrest and prosecute the perpetrator. Where a criminal prosecution of a perpetrator is deemed unfeasible, the MPS will identify and pursue alternative courses of action in consultation with our partner agencies to stop the violence and make victims and their children safer. The MPS will take a perpetrator focused approach in domestic violence investigations. In partnership with the Crown Prosecution Service the MPS will promote positive action for arrest and prosecution. The MPS will take forward independent prosecutions where it is appropriate to do so, removing the pressure and onus away from the victim. Intelligence-led pro-activity and initiatives with our partner agencies to target perpetrators will bring more offenders to justice, prevent re-victimisation and ultimately save lives. This approach will require strong leadership, positive supervision and the co-operation of the communities we serve to provide a professional, effective and empathetic response.
This policy will establish clear guidelines and accountability for the investigation of domestic violence.
This policy is owned by the Territorial Policing (TP) Violent Crime Strategic Committee. It will be implemented by the TP Crime, Violent Crime Directorate, CSU Service Delivery Team through Operational Command Unit Commanders and the Policy will be reviewed by the TP Crime, Violent Crime Directorate, CSU Service Delivery Team. Enquiries should be made to Detective Chief Inspector Gerry Campbell or Detective Sergeant Sharon Stratton.
Appendix 2
Partnership working
Victim Support Services (VSS) Harrow inc. Contact for domestic violence support group; racial harassment
Service Description: Local branch of the national charity for victims of crime including burglary, robbery and assault. Give emotional and practical one to one and group support and information for victims of crime and witnesses going to court. Can arrange drop-ins, information sessions for groups and clubs, and assemblies in schools. Have specialist workers for young people, people who are affected by rape, domestic violence, hate crimes and murder. Services aimed specifically towards women include: female victims of rape and domestic violence, (the meeting place and time is arranged between the worker and client). Offer the opportunity to talk to someone in confidence, run drop-ins and volunteers who can visit people in their own homes or elsewhere. Support those experiencing bereavement and loss resulting from crime, children affected by crime or bullying, older women, minority groups and refugees and young women if victims of crime, Support is given not counselling. Have a domestic violence support group for black and minority ethnic, (BME) groups. Also offer support. Age Group: No limits
Harrow Police & Community Consultative Group
Service Description: The Group is made up of representatives from each of Harrow’s 21 Safer Neighbourhood Panels and the Police, local Councillors, Members of Parliament/European Parliament, our local GLA representative, as well as representatives from major Faith and Interest groups and the youth of the borough. We aim to help in the prevention and reduction of crime in the Borough. This is done by developing links and encouraging confidence between the community and the Police. Our meetings enable the Public and the Police to exchange views and those present to learn more about policing issues and procedures. Meet as a Group every other month at Harrow Civic Centre, usually on Mondays starting at 7.30 p.m. with refreshments from 7.00 p.m. Members of the Public and the Press are always welcome and may ask questions relating to local policing either of the Group or of senior Police officers who are always present
Woman aid Domestic violence project woman 18+ and their children
Service Description: This service provides refuge accommodation to women and children who are fleeing domestic violence and they also have second stage accommodation. Also have an outreach service to support women and children fleeing or living with domestic violence in the community. Provide advice, information and support. Services offered include: a refuge, second stage accommodation, outreach service based at the Women’s Centre, Bessborough Road, Harrow.
Families Without Fear Project dealing with domestic abuse in North West London
Service Description: Working educationally and therapeutically with perpetrators; to support perpetrators of family abuse who express a desire to change; to offer support and services to partners and ex-partners. The safety of survivors of abuse, women, children, and men is our first priority. The primary purpose is to support the emotional needs and promote the safety of women who are in, or have been in an abusive or violent relationship with a partner or ex–partner. Support services offered include: individual therapeutic support working face-to-face and, where women are unable to attend, telephone support can be arranged. We also hope to begin offering supportive group work.
Service Description: Cafcass looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings. We work with children and their families, and then advise the courts on what we consider to be in the best interests of individual children
Service Description: For male and female survivors of abuse, rape and domestic violence.
Police Child Protection Team
Service Description: Part of the Child Protection Unit for the North Region. The team aims to protect children who are at risk, prevent crime, investigate offences committed against children, share information and prosecute offenders. They work in partnership with other agencies. Not a crisis agency.
The Silent Minority: research project
Service Description: Research into deaf people's access to services in Harrow, for domestic, family and relationship problems.
Ethnic Alcohol Counselling in Harrow (EACH)
Service Description: Those with alcohol and drug misuse issues from ethnic minority communities. Age Group: 18+this service offers advice, information and support to people with alcohol and drug misuse issues from minority ethnic communities. Support services offered include: counselling and support groups for drinkers, their partners and carers. They run home and hospital visits, can make arrangements for detox, health awareness and education and also complimentary therapies and skills programmes. Counsellors work from the centre and deal with issues including: anxiety, depression and domestic violence. Languages spoken other than English/Access to Interpreters: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu. Disabled Access/Facilities: Yes,
Yakeen Counselling Services c/o Diwa Asian Women’s Network
Service Description: For Asian woman 15+ Service offers a one-to-one counselling service and group work two days a week to Asian women who are experiencing emotional difficulties.
Women’s Aid Outreach Service
Service Description: Women’s Aid Harrow provides services for women and children fleeing domestic violence. The outreach service provides support and advocacy for women experiencing domestic violence. Also have various community drop-ins across the borough.
Harrow Council for Racial Equality: Mobile Domestic Violence Service
Service Description: This mobile domestic violence service is aimed at women and children who are suffering from domestic violence and provides emotional and practical support
Hestia¬-Woman’s Aid
Women's Aid is the national domestic violence charity that supports Hestia who run Woman’s Refuges in Harrow
Harrow Housing
Service description DV: Managing housing of victims of DV families and enforcement around perpetrators inc housing associations, registered landlords
Sanctuary Project
Service Description: Run by Harrow Housing Sanctuary includes installation of a safe rooms, additional and/or replacement locks on doors and windows, door frames re-enforced for victims of DV. Referrals to the ‘Sanctuary Project’ are made through the Harrow Police Community Safety Unit, Harrow Housing Services, Harrow Women’s Aid, Harrow Social Services and the Harrow Women’s Centre.
LFB links
Service Description: providing fire safety equipment, for victims of DV, smoke detectors, foam filled fire extinguishers, break glass hammers, emergency lights and fire blankets.
Vulnerable adult services Harrow Council
Service Description: providing care for vulnerable adults aged 18 or over, who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is, or maybe unable to take care of him or herself or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation including domestic violence.
Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse (CAADA)
Service Description: a national charity supporting a strong multi-agency response to domestic abuse. Focuses on saving lives and saving public money. Provides practical tools, training, guidance, quality assurance, policy and data insight to support professionals and organisations working with domestic abuse victims. The aim is to protect the highest risk victims and their children – those at risk of murder or serious harm.
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
Service Description: Part of a coordinated community response to domestic abuse, incorporating representatives from statutory, community and voluntary agencies working with victims/survivors, children and the alleged perpetrator, Chaired by CSU DI McEvoy
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