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This page contains press release 04/00, which discusses a submission to the Mayor for the 2001/2002 budget that would increase the number of police officers in London.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

London Police numbers could be increased in next year's MPA budget

10 July 2000

The Metropolitan Police Authority has endorsed a preliminary submission to the Mayor for its 2001/2002 budget which would increase the number of police officers by nearly 1,000 over the current year’s budget.

The submission, which was approved at today’s meeting of the Authority, assumes full take-up of the additional officers being funded by the Government in its programme to recruit 5,000 officers nationally over the next two years.

The Authority’s submission includes provision for a further 400 officers over and above the Government’s programme. 400 officers recruited part way through next year will cost £6.5 million, £13 million in a full year. If there is no further funding from the Government to support this increase it would have to be met in full from the precept. This alone would add £2.36 to next year’s council tax bill at Band D, equivalent to a 2.6 per cent increase over the current year.

The council tax will probably have to rise in any case, for example to cover increased costs of police officers’ pay and pensions. This indicates the extra cost if we are to begin restoring the number of police officers to a level acceptable to the people of London.

The Authority has also welcomed the increase in pay for new recruits in London recently approved by the Home Secretary. Experience will tell whether this is enough to enable the Met to recruit up to its budgeted strength.

Over the coming months the Authority will be considering its policies and their resource implications as it continues preparations for the 2001/02 budget.

Notes to editors

The Metropolitan Police Authority took over responsibility for the Metropolitan Police Service from the Home Secretary on 3 July, marking the most radical change in the policing arrangements for London in 170 years. The Metropolitan Police Authority held its first meeting on 26 June, 2000 at which Lord Toby Harris was elected Chair and Peter Herbert and Richard Barnes were elected Deputy Chairs.

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