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This page contains press release 02/01, which contains the response of the Chair of the MPA to the verdict in the Anna Climbie case.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Anna Climbie: her aunt and partner found guilty of her murder

12 January 2001

Toby Harris, Chairman of the MPA, today responded to the verdict in the Anna Climbie case. At the Old Bailey, Marie-Therese Kouao and Carl Manning were both found guilty of her murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

'The death of little Anna Climbie is too horrific to contemplate and our heartfelt sympathies go out to Anna's parents and other relatives.

'The MPS has a duty to investigate very seriously all allegations of crime or abuse against a child. Unfortunately, in this case, the investigative procedures carried out by the Child Protection Team in question were not adequate and serious failings occurred.

'We fully support the Secretary of State in calling for an independent Inquiry for a comprehensive review into the work carried out by police, social care and health agencies. The terms of reference and nomination of membership will be set by the Secretary of State, and a report published at its conclusion. Obviously the MPS will co-operate fully with the Inquiry.

'All agencies involved must learn from this horrific case and incorporate best practice and lessons learnt in future working practices. We all have a responsibility to ensure that as far as possible such a tragedy cannot happen again.'

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