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This page contains press release 12/01, which contains a statement about the Metropolitan Police Service Independent Advisory Group resignations from the MPA Chair.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Service Independent Advisory Group Resignations - statement by MPA chair Toby Harris

13 February 2001

"The Metropolitan Police Authority is deeply concerned that four people with so much expertise in and knowledge of race-relations and diversity issues should feel it necessary to resign from the Metropolitan Police Independent Advisory Group.

"These four highly-respected people have a major contribution to make to the issues raised following the Macpherson report into the death of Stephen Lawrence.

"We need people like them, who can advise the Metropolitan Police on how best to work with London's ethnic minorities.

"This is especially important at such a critical period in the Metropolitan Police's history when they are trying to overcome scepticism within the ethnic minority groups, and encourage more police recruits from ethnic minorities.

"At present only four percent of the total number of police officers in the Met are from ethnic minority backgrounds.

"The MPA will be requesting full details of the resignations from the MPS and talking to Ben Bowling, Andrea Cork, Jennifer Douglas and Kirpal Sahota about their concerns."

Notes to editors

The Metropolitan Police Authority took over responsibility for the Metropolitan Police Service from the Home Secretary on 3 July.

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