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This page contains press release 18/01, which contains a statement regarding the National Front march in Bermondsey on Saturday 7 April 2001.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Statement by Toby Harris, Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority concerning the National Front march in Bermondsey on Saturday 7 April 2001

05 April 2001

'The MPA is concerned when any march or protest, which appears to promote racial intolerance and racist stereotyping, is staged with the clear intention of intimidation or to cause offence to particular sections of the community, of whatever ethnic origin.

'A deliberate act of provocation and incitement to racial hatred is never a good reason to protest or march, and should be denounced and discouraged unequivocally whenever and wherever possible.

'In the case of the National Front march on Saturday, 7 April in Bermondsey, we very much regret that it is going ahead, and to the obvious annoyance of the local community as a whole.

'The police have worked closely with local community leaders who have given their advice on how policing of the march should be handled to reduce to an absolute minimum any disturbance or offence to local residents.

'In the judgment of the police, they will be able to control the march and any subsequent breach of the law effectively, and have informed the organisers of conditions and routes to ensure public order is maintained. We have considered whether it would be right to recommend seeking to have the march banned. At the moment we have decided, based on advice from the police, that this is not the best course of action. Should this position change, we will review our stance with regard to recommending a ban, and will in any case, keep a close eye on developments.

'MPA link member Cecile Lothian has taken part in extensive local consultation on the march and has received regular briefings from police.

'She has been assured that the National Front march will be policed by officers from outside the London Borough of Southwark, to ensure that the strong links built up between the community and local officers are not harmed in the event of any confrontational situations arising from the march or counter-demonstrations.

'Cecile will also be at New Scotland Yard on Saturday, alongside senior officers who will be in overall command of the policing arrangements, and she will report back to the MPA on how things went.'

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