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This page contains press release 69/01, which discusses drain on police budget following London security alerts that have followed the terrorist attacks on New York.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

London security alert draining Metropolitan Police budget, MPA warns

20 September 2001

The Metropolitan Police Authority is to ask the Home Office for financial support to cover the substantial costs associated with the high-level security precautions being implemented in London following the terror attacks on the United States.

Toby Harris, Chair of the Authority, said today:

"Due to the exceptional circumstances which have arisen following the atrocities in America, the police budget is under immense strain.

"The Met is having to cope with the significant burdens placed upon them as they increase security to protect our communities and our capital.

"Up to a thousand additional officers are on duty to ensure the safety of our vulnerable people and key buildings. This may rise to 1500 over the next weekend.

"The problem has been made worse due to the intolerance of a small minority of racists and fanatics who have, through their words and actions, inflamed an already tense situation. "

Muslim member of the MPA, Reshard Auladin said:

"Racism and bigotry in any form is to be condemned unequivocally. Fears of harassment and violence mean that police have had to divert already stretched resources to guard against unprovoked attacks on minority ethnic communities.

"We also find it disturbing that individuals who do not represent the Muslim community are being given air time to espouse extreme views which the majority of Muslims do not support."

Toby Harris added:

"We must now seek the appropriate resources to enable the police to cope with the extra duties they face. These include their investigation of the murder of British nationals in America, the grim and time-consuming task of identifying the victims and offering appropriate assistance both in this country and New York to the relatives. These have to be achieved with as little adverse effect as possible to their other important day-to-day work, especially the policing of the London boroughs."

Toby Harris was speaking at a meeting of the Full Authority which was informed that the extra cost incurred was at least £1m a week and the situation could continue for an indefinite period.

Toby Harris went on:

"Clearly, this is a huge and unforeseen drain on the police budget. We are fully committed to maintaining the current increased security measures for as long as required, but the detrimental effect this is having on our budget must be recognised and addressed."

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