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This page contains press release 09/02, which discusses the 'Spirit of Excellence' Award to be presented to the Deputy Chair of the MPA.

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Deputy Chair of MPA receives American Bar Association 'Spirit of Excellence' Award

30 January 2002

Peter Herbert, Deputy Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, is to be presented with the ‘Spirit of Excellence’ award by the American Bar Association (ABA) in recognition for his work as a leading advocate for racial justice. 

Speaking about the award Peter Herbert said: 

“It is a great honour for me to receive this prestigious award from the American Bar Association and I will continue to work for a more just and equitable society where diversity is valued and racism is overcome.” 

Peter Herbert, who is also Deputy Chair of the Society of Black Lawyers and sits as a part time Immigration Judge, went on to say:

“While in America I shall be formally requesting the United States Attorney General and Security Counsel, through the good offices of the ABA, to free the three British citizens currently held at Guantanimo Bay. If there is any evidence that they have contravened British law that should be tested in a British Court before a judge and jury. 

“I will also be calling for the rest of the detainees to be treated as Prisoners of War according to the Geneva Convention and for their treatment to be commensurate to international standards. I find it perverse for the United States to fight a war against terrorism only to surrender and betray the very values it seeks to uphold. There can be no peace without justice in the so-called war on terrorism if the moral highground is surrendered in the rush for judgement. It is worth remembering that the war criminals of the Nuremburg trials obtained higher standard of justice and human rights over 50 years ago.

“If this treatment is continued there is every likelihood this will be viewed as Islamaphobia and racism of the most obvious kind. The United States will not obtain security at the expense of other people’s human rights. Having worked with the United States Department of Justice to hold the first Anglo-US Race Hate Crimes Conference it would be tragic if the US now looses the magnanimity which is an essential pillar of justice.”

Notes to editors

1. The “Spirit of Excellence” award was established by the American Bar Association to celebrate the achievements of diverse lawyers and others that have contributed to the legal professions and society. Each recipient personifies excellence and promotes the advancement of racial and ethnic diversity in the profession.

2. In announcing the award, the ABA said that “He [Peter Herbert] is widely hailed as the driving force in placing race issues on the agenda of professional organisations such as the Bar Council and the Law Society and key governmental organisations such as the Crown Prosecution Service and the Lord Chancellor’s Department.”

3. The award will be presented to Peter Herbert on Saturday 2 February 2002 at a ceremony held at the Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, USA.

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