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This page contains press release 15/02, which discusses violence and street crime fighting performance.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Crime fighting performance - top priority for MPA

14 February 2002

Tackling violence and street crime is the Met’s top priority and the MPA takes very seriously its responsibilities to ensure that no London borough is under performing.

Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA, said:

“Ultimately, any rise in crime in the capital can only be tackled by putting more police officers on the streets and deploying those officers efficiently and effectively.

“Since we were set up almost two years ago, the MPA has increased the number of police officers in London by 10%. Where these officers are deployed on the streets, they do and will make a difference.

“The Met’s anti-street crime initiative, launched at the beginning of February, redirected 500 officers from other units onto the streets which led to 1536 arrests in the first week.

“We must not underestimate the heavy pressures currently on the Met. These include the sudden rise in gun crime in the capital and national and international responsibility for major issues such as anti terrorism post 11 September 2001.”

Toby Harris is currently visiting each London Borough to look at how crime is being tackled and good practice disseminated between the Boroughs. These visits have highlighted that crime and disorder partnerships are thriving and working well.

He added:

“We will continue to work together with the Met and London’s diverse communities to make sure that everyone who lives and works in the capital is able to go about their business without fear of crime. “

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