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This page contains press release 28/02, which announces a full authority meeting of the MPA.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority Full Authority meeting

20 March 2002

The Metropolitan Police Authority will meet on Thursday 21 March 2002 at 10.00am in Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1. This meeting is open to members of the public and press.

Members will be looking at the Policing and Performance Plan 2002/2003 to agree the priorities, objectives and new targets and measures proposed for the forthcoming year. Issues to be discussed are the revised target for street crime (to prevent any further increase at all) and a zero target for the number of terrorist attacks in the capital. Following final agreement to the Policing and Performance Plan 2002/2003, it will be published in full on the Internet on 28 March 2002.

The Met’s response and action plans to implement recommendations in the Virdi Inquiry Report, published on 9 January 2002, will be scrutinised by Members. They will specifically look at plans for the Met to provide progress reports of PS Virdi’s return to duty, and request that progress on other recommendations be reported to and monitored by the relevant MPA committees. 

Also on the agenda are the Met’s Youth Crime Prevention Initiatives 2002/2003 . The MPA is aware and concerned that some media articles have suggested that the Met wishes to establish a database of potential offenders and early developmental work on this subject will be clarified.

Other agenda items will include the Royal Parks Constabulary proposals, Treasury Management Strategy and an analysis of the Christmas Drink/Drive Campaign. 

The Commissioner, Sir John Stevens, will give his regular verbal update on current operational policing issues in London. 

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