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This page contains press release 38/02, which discusses an innovative mentoring scheme which has teamed up senior business managers with Metropolitan Police borough commanders.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA Chair welcomes mentoring scheme that brings private business expertise to Met Police

10 April 2002

An innovative mentoring scheme which has teamed up senior business managers with Metropolitan Police borough commanders has been praised by Toby Harris, Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority. 

The idea was devised under the Partnership in Policing initiative set up by London First to share best practice between police and the business community in London.

Speaking before attending a reception tomorrow evening to celebrate the first year of the Partnership, Toby Harris said: 

"This novel idea to bring in top business expertise to help boost police performance is an exciting development which could be adopted across the country to increase police managerial effectiveness.

"This level of support allows a valuable exchange and sharing of ideas, expertise and experiences, and development of stronger leadership and management skills. It also encourages a more productive relationship between police and the business community.

"An organisation of the size of the Met must be run along efficient business lines to be truly effective and provide value for money. The mentoring scheme is an excellent way of taking forward this aim."

Notes to editors

  1. Further information on this evening's Partnership in Policing event, to be held at KPMG, 8 Salisbury Square, London, EC4 between 6pm and 8pm, is available from London First on 020 7479 2830. 
  2. Partnership in Policing was launched in February 2001 following a request from the MPA to London First for business input into the debate on policing London and stronger links between the business sector and police in working together for a safer city.

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