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This page contains press release 41/02, which announces that MPA Deputy Chair has been appointed as judge.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA Deputy Chair appointed as judge

17 April 2002

Metropolitan Police Authority Deputy Chair and barrister, Peter Herbert, has been appointed a part-time South Eastern Circuit Recorder, sitting in the Crown Court.

Peter, who has been one of the MPA’s two deputy chairs since the formation of the MPA in July 2000, said:

“This appointment is a great honour for me personally and will give me a valuable new perspective of the criminal justice system, which I will be able to use in my work with the MPA and London’s diverse communities.

“Handling a variety of criminal cases for up to 30 days a year throughout London and the South East as a judge will give me a unique insight into the workings of the system. I’ll be able to feed ideas for improving the way the police interact with the courts and judiciary back through the MPA. 

“I recognise that this appointment may act as a role model for members of the black and other minority ethnic communities and demonstrate that you can take a role as a campaigning lawyer and still hold judicial office.”

A lawyer and Chairman of the Society of Black Lawyers. Peter has held a number of public appointments, including being a Legal Panel Member on a number of Mental Health Inquiries, a School Governor and a member of the Lay Visitors Group at Harmondsworth Detention Centre. 

Mr Herbert has played a major role in a number of international anti-racism conferences and personally helped create a system to combat racial violence in the London Borough of Hackney.

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