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This page contains press release 62/02, which discusses a traditional 'topping out' ceremony for new operational policing buildings in Sutton.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

'Topping out' for major MPA estate initiative in Sutton

12 June 2002

A traditional ‘topping out’ ceremony today for new operational policing buildings in Sutton heralded a major step forward for the Metropolitan Police Authority in its aim to provide modern facilities for 21st century policing.

Sutton’s new Borough Operational Command Unit and Serious Crime Group building, which will house five major Investigation Teams, are part of a Private Finance Initiative signed by the MPA in October 2001 for the design, build and operation of new police stations and sector bases in South East London.

The ceremony was attended by Sir John Stevens, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and Graham Tope, Chair of the MPA’s Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee.

Commenting on the Sutton project, Graham Tope, who is also the MPA’s link member for the borough, said:

“I am pleased this notable phase to provide Sutton’s police with the modern facilities they both need and deserve to perform their duties has been achieved without delay. Work will now continue on this site and the others comprising the South East London PFI contract signed by the MPA last Autumn.

“The whole PFI contract forms part of the MPA Estate Strategy for the modernization of the estate. The MPA aims to provide modern facilities worthy of our staff, undoubtedly contributing to overall effectiveness as they carry out their duties.”

The PFI includes the supply of staff and delivery of services associated with custody and suspect processing (civilian gaolers), front desk or station reception officers and selected support services, including the storage of uniforms and special equipment, the prisoners property store, typists and tape summarisers.

Sutton is a phased project, Phase 1 being ‘topped out’ today comprising the main operational buildings including a Custody Suite containing 30 cells and Detention Rooms. Once completed at the end of this month Phase 2 will come into effect, completing the remainder of the new building and the refurbishment of the existing structure (scheduled for January 2004).

Notes to editors

  1. A ‘topping out’ ceremony involves the positioning of the highest stone of a new building.
  2. The South East London PFI is the second major PFI project to be taken forward by the MPA. The 25 year contract was awarded to Equion plc (formerly known as Laing Hyder plc) and is valued at £120 million, of which Sutton totals approximately £25 million. For further details please see MPA press release 82-2001 of 29 October 2001, available on the MPA website.

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