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This page contains press release 127/02, which discusses the impact of the government's grant settlement on the Metropolitan Police Authority's budget submission to the Greater London Authority.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA: police budget submission amended at full authority meeting

10 December 2002

The impact of the government's grant settlement on the Metropolitan Police Authority's budget submission to the Greater London Authority was discussed at a special Full Authority meeting held today, 10 December 2002.

Chair of the MPA Toby Harris said:

"The Authority has been able to consider a welcome improvement in its grant position and as a result has been able to balance the draft budget previously submitted to the Mayor.

"The Authority has also agreed priorities if further grant funding is confirmed. These include improvements to child protection, more efficient working in the criminal justice system, proposals for employing more civil staff which would result in releasing officers to front line duties, in addition to the 1200 officers already budgeted for, and approximately 500 more police community support officers."

Following the Full Authority, the MPA submission was amended to reflect the Authority's decisions. GLA and MPA officers will discuss the amended submission, which will then form part of the Mayor's consultation with the functional bodies.

The amended MPA submission and budget submissions for the other functional bodies will be sent out for consultation at the end of this week, or early next week. This is the Mayor's responsibility and is a statutory requirement.

Notes to editors

1. A fact sheet explaining the MPA budget process is available.

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