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This page contains press release 15/03, in which the MPA announces the Full Authority agenda.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority – February Full Authority Meeting

26 February 2003

The Metropolitan Police Authority will meet on Thursday 27 February at 10.00am in Meeting Room 1 (ground floor), 10 Dean Farrar Street, SW1. The meeting is open to members of the public and press.

Members will be discussing the complete set of targets, measures and key activities for the Policing and Performance Plan 2003/04 which will then come to the Full Authority in March for final agreement.

Members will also consider the draft Three-year Strategy Plan which the Police Reform Act requires all police authorities to issue and aims to strengthen focus on the medium to longer-term direction of individual services. Annual targets agreed for the Policing and Performance Plan need to be inserted into the draft strategy which will then be submitted to the Home Secretary to be assessed in relation to the National Policing Plan.

Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA, said:

“The MPA, working closely with the Met, has already developed a three year framework, ‘Towards the Safest City’, which demonstrates our joint focus on core business activities and our intention to co-ordinate planning and decision making across the whole of London’s police service.

“This has stood us in good stead to provide our three year strategy to the Home Secretary for approval. While all imperatives within the National Policing Plan are incorporated into the draft strategy, we go further to emphasise the distinctive concerns facing London, primarily the threat of international terrorism and our unique cultural diversity which we embrace and recognise in everyday policing.

“Just as important, the strategy reflects what the people of London tell us they want from their police. We never loose sight of this, one of our primary imperatives.”

Further consideration is also to be given to how best the Authority can fulfill its forthcoming statutory responsibility in Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in London.

The results of a survey investigating police non-emergency response times, carried out in response to anecdotal evidence from members of the public about difficulties in contacting local police stations, will be presented to the Authority by a member for discussion.

The Commissioner, Sir John Stevens will give an update on operational policing issues in London and Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA, Catherine Crawford, Clerk to the Authority and members will give updates on Authority matters.

A petition will be presented and members will be requested, in accordance with the Authority's Standing Orders, to hear a question from a member of the public.

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