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This page contains press release 93/03, in which the Londoners have expressed their views very clearly to the Metropolitan Police Authority about what they want from their police service.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Public send clear message to Authority

12 November 2003

Londoners have expressed their views very clearly to the Metropolitan Police Authority about what they want from their police service.

The results of the MPA’s recent round of public consultations, with key community and voluntary groups and organisations, show that Londoners want a more visible policing presence at neighbourhood level. They also want a more accountable, ‘diversified’ and ‘localised’ police planning process.

In a report going to the MPAs Consultation Committee on 13 November, which draws on public input from a variety of sources, Londoners want the police to re-engage with local people. They want police priorities to be based on the diversity of local policing needs at the borough level.

Chair of the Consultation Committee, Cindy Butts said:

“It has been clearly impressed upon us that Londoners regard safety and crime issues as the top priority to improve London as a place to live. I am also impressed with Londoners level of knowledge as to how policing can be improved. It is now our job to make sure that the annual police priorities reflect the wishes of the local people.”

The report draws attention to recent findings on the dramatic demographic changes in London; what Londoners feel about crime and safety issues; and what they think the police should do about it.

“The conclusions of the report appear to reinforce the directions from the Home Office that there should be fewer and less prescriptive national policing priorities and more emphasis placed on citizen focus at the local level”, said Cindy Butts.

Notes to editors

1. Between July and September the MPA, in partnership with the London Civic Forum, the Haringey Peace Alliance, the Peabody Trust and Day-Mer Community Organisation, consulted with a range of communities in London. The report of these consultation meetings will be published on the MPA website.

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