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This page contains press release 10/04, which the MPA announces that the 2004/5 police budget is to introduce Step Change to London boroughs.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

2004/5 police budget to introduce Step Change to London boroughs

18 February 2004

The MPA has welcomed today's decision by the London Assembly to set a £2.6 billion policing budget for London for 2004/5.

Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA, said:

"Londoners have told us loud and clear that they want to see more officers on the streets and in their neighbourhoods.

"The Mayor's budget will enable us to do that by introducing a community based policing programme, the Step Change programme, which will guarantee three neighbourhood teams for each borough next year. There will be six front line officers in each team who will be ring fenced to concentrate on local community policing in their borough.

"In January 2004 we reached a milestone in our aim to be the safest city, when officer numbers reached 30,000, the highest ever in the history of the Met. We intend to continue this growth and by March 2005 there will be nearly 32,000 officers and PCSOs, compared to just 25,500 in 2000 when the MPA came into being.

"The Authority will ensure that all extra resources achieved through the budget will be used to build on our successes. Latest recorded figures show that crime has fallen in London and the types of crimes that makes people feel most vulnerable such as domestic burglary, auto crime and street crime have also fallen. At the same time the MPS is dealing with the biggest terrorist threat the capital has ever experienced.

"However, we will continue to drive through efficiencies in the MPS. There are savings of £61 million in the 2004/5 budget, making total savings in excess of £160 million over just four years. The MPA will continue to ensure effective financial management remains a priority for the MPS. Our achievements in this budget have been attained within the Mayor's council tax increase of just 33p a week (Band D).

"One of our biggest challenges will be to ensure that with more officers on our streets, they will fulfil the expectations of Londoners and achieve results - cutting crime and enhancing community safety."

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