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This page contains press release 29/04, in which the MPA announces the Internal Audit Directorate secures successful fraud prosecution.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Consulting all Londoners - What are your policing priorities?

14 April 2004

The Metropolitan Police Authority and the Metropolitan Police Service are hosting an online consultation exercise with the public to help mould the police’s key objectives for 2005/06.

The online consultation exercise, open to anyone who lives or works in London, local authorities and community organisations, will gather information that will help the MPA and the Met to set it’s objectives for the next year which will be published in the Authority’s policing plan for 2005/06 next March.

Cindy Butts, Chair of the MPA Consultation Committee, said:

“We want to find out what it is people in London believe are the major priorities the police should be working to. This online consultation is designed to achieve a greater understanding of specific issues raised. It has the added advantage of enabling the police to offer feedback to each and every respondent as to how they contributed to the process.

“I would urge everyone who can to log on and participate. It’s very much about informing us of what Londoners believe needs to be done by the police to make a safer environment for us all.”

The consultation is accessible via both the MPA website homepage and the MPS website.

Notes to editors

1. The results of the consultation will feed into the planning process in September 2004 when the MPA decides what the policing priorities will be for 2005/06. They will be considered by the Commissioner and his top team, MPA and senior police staff such as Borough Commanders, and will be analysed alongside the requirements of the National Policing Plan and strategic crime analysis. In October the MPA will formally approve the MPS proposed priorities. There will then be a period of deciding targets and measures, seeking Mayoral and Home Office approval, and production of the actual plan ready for publication on 1st April 2005.

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