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This page contains press release 60/04, in which John Roberts is appointed the new link member for Lambeth.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

John Roberts appointed new link member for Lambeth

06 August 2004

The Metropolitan Police Authority is pleased to welcome John Roberts as a new independent member of the Authority. John was appointed at the start of the MPA’s second term and will serve as the link member for Lambeth.

Commenting on his appointment John said:

"I am delighted to take up my appointment as an independent member of the Metropolitan Police Authority.

"One of my primary motivations for applying was to be part of making London safer for everyone.

"I am particularly concerned with how the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) deal with issues of diversity in policing. As deputy chair of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board I will ensure that Londoners get a fair and consistently high level of policing. I will bring to the MPA my experience of working with many communities and hope that my skills will enable me to guide the MPS to ensure their policies address greater fairness for all.

"October sees the rollout across London of Recommendation 61 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report, and I chair the implementation group. Recommendation 61 states that when an officer stops a person, he must give them a record of that stop. Previously only people who were stopped and searched received a written record. This could have a significant impact on improving community trust and confidence and is a major step towards making the police more accountable to the public.

"Community safety and taking full account of all London’s diverse communities and groups is a key challenge the MPA must address in the advice and guidance it offers the Met."

Len Duvall, Chair of the MPA, said:

"John’s dedication to working with his local communities and personal skills make him a valued member of the MPA.

"I am pleased to welcome him to the MPA on behalf of all the members and staff."

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