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This page contains press release 68/04, which announces that the MPA and representatives from the National Health Service in London have launched a joint review into mental health and related policing issues.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA and NHS to examine policing and related mental health issues

30 September 2004

The Metropolitan Police Authority and representatives from the National Health Service in London have launched a joint review into mental health and related policing issues.

Richard Sumray, chair of the MPA’s planning, performance and review committee, will co-chair the review with David Taylor, chair of Camden and Islington Mental Health Trust.

Mr Sumray, pictured, said:

“This is an area of growing importance. There are very significant issues to be addressed in the relationships between police and mentally ill people and health services.

“This review is the first of its kind conducted by the MPA and aims to look at these issues in depth and propose recommendations which will lead to significant changes. It will have a stronger impact as it will be jointly run by police and the NHS.”

Mr Taylor said:

“This is a controversial area and we want to take an objective look at how we can improve services to people with mental health problems, and balance these with the needs of the wider community.”

The first review meeting is tomorrow and a report and recommendations are expected to be published mid-2005.

The review will explore a number of issues, including the exchange of information between agencies, the way in which police deal with mentally ill people, and how police can provide support to the health services when necessary.

The review panel drawn from members of the MPA and health services will hold a number of sessions in which people will be asked to give their views and experiences and conduct its own research. It will also draw on the advice of a significant number of experts in the field.

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