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This page contains press release 74/04, which issues an MPA statement on new measures to tackle forced marriage.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA statement on new measures to tackle forced marriage

27 October 2004

Commenting on today’s government announcement about new measures to tackle forced marriages Aneeta Prem, magistrate member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said:

”I welcome plans being considered by ministers to tackle the unacceptable practice of forcing someone to marry against their will.

“Almost 1,000 cases of suspected forced marriages have been dealt with by the UK authorities since 2000, mainly involving links to south Asian countries. Many UK forced marriages involve people from Pakistan, Bangladesh or India, but it should be noted that cases are also reported from East Africa, the Middle East, other parts of Asia and even Eastern Europe.

“We should also recognise that forced marriages are not just a women’s issue - although we are talking about a much smaller number, men are sometimes forced into marriage too.

“It is common to confuse forced marriages with arranged marriages. They are fundamentally different - a forced marriage is when one or both parties are coerced into marriage completely against their will, while an arranged marriage can be a very successful and happy union between consenting individuals and their families.

Aneeta concluded:

“In recent years I have heard some truly horrific examples of young women who have suffered mental and physical torture, rape, kidnap and in the most extreme cases have even been murdered. These accounts indicate to me the need for urgent and concerted action to tackle what is an unacceptable abuse of universal individual rights. I welcome the wide spread consultation announced and look forward to real progress being made against this often hidden crime.”

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