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This page contains press release 19/05, in which the MPA announces the Full Authority March meeting.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority - March meeting

29 March 2005

A meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority will be held in meeting room 1 (ground floor), 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1 on Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 10.00 a.m.

The MPA together with the MPS is set to carry out a Service Review of the Metropolitan Police and a paper will be presented to members outlining the context, key objectives and methodology. The need for the review is based on current development in the MPS and an analysis of future pressure and funding prospects.

Len Duvall, Chair of the MPA, said:

“The MPS has seen an unprecedented investment over the last five years but in the foreseeable future its responsibilities will grow greater still. The need to respond to specialist crime, terrorist threats, challenging performance targets and the move into reassurance policing will present ever-growing demands on the MPS.

“The Service review, which will involve the whole of the MPS, is now required to ensure that the MPS is able to respond effectively to these demands and that police resources are managed as efficiently as possible. It will support the responsibilities of both the Commissioner and the MPA with the objective of making recommendations that will drive forward improved service and performance. The overriding common interest of both parties is to work towards making London the safest major city.”

Other items on the agenda include:

  • final MPA/MPS Budget 2005/6;
  • Commission for Racial Equality Report on the Police Service in England and Wales;
  • Gun Crime Scrutiny 2004 recommendations progress report; and
  • Home Office immigration detainees at MPS detention facilities.

Commissioner Sir Ian Blair will give an oral update on operational policing issues in London and present a written performance report.

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