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This page contains press release 59/05, which announces the December 2005 meeting of the MPA.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority – December meeting

01 December 2005

A meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority will be held in Meeting room 1 (ground floor), 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1 on Tuesday, 6 December 2005 at 10 a.m.

Members will receive the Joint Review of Mental Health and Policing, which includes far reaching recommendations for improvements to services and co-ordinated leadership. The joint review was conducted by the MPA with senior representatives of health, social care services and the police.

Richard Sumray, MPA member and co-chair of the joint review said:

“The joint review has highlighted key issues, particularly the relationship between police and health agencies. It is though just the beginning of a programme to increase mutual understanding and co-operation between agencies.

“Through the review we have been able to build a consensus on how challenges facing mental health, social care and police policy makers and service deliverers should be progressed. We have also recommended a pan-London alliance of all key stakeholders to provide crucial leadership to drive through good practice.

“We are committed to ensure that our recommendations are followed through. There are a great many improvements that need to take place – this is just the starting point.”

There are a total of 33 recommendations relating to the criminal justice system, skills and training, information sharing and the management of violence. A full copy of the review, including the Chair’s forward, summary and recommendations can be found on the MPA at:

Other subjects to be discussed by the Authority at the meeting include:

  • Police Performance Assessment Framework;
  • Update on the planning process 2006/7;
  • Re-organisation of police forces;
  • Joint MPA/MPS Equality statement; and
  • Retail crime, with particular reference to Shop Watch.

Commissioner Sir Ian Blair will give an update on operational policing issues in London and present a written performance report.

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