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This page contains press release 16/06, in which announces that disabled people, emergency services personnel, transport representatives and appropriate stakeholders have been invited to discuss London contingency planning as it affects disabled people.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

London emergency planning and disabled people - building a safer London for all our communities

14 March 2006

Disabled people, emergency services personnel, transport representatives and appropriate stakeholders have been invited to discuss London contingency planning as it affects disabled people. The seminar will be held on Friday 17 March at City Hall, hosted by the Metropolitan Police Authority MPA), Transport for London (TfL), and other members of the London resilience group.

Kirsten Hearn, lead member for the MPA on disability issues and board member of TfL, said:

“Since the horrific terror attacks of July 2005, many disabled people have raised concerns about whether they will be rescued in an accessible and timely way, should another disaster happen. They want to know if emergency planning for London reflects their needs.

“This seminar aims to involve disabled people in developing and refining such plans and to reassure them that their needs and concerns are included in planning for disasters.

“We must begin to consult disabled people so they can help shape resilience issues to meet the variety of needs of all London's diverse communities. I want us to make sure that, from now on, emergency services will be aware of all aspects of disabled people's needs.

"We hope that what we learn and decide upon at this seminar will also help other British cities make emergency plans that meet the needs of their population too. We will work with all partners to take on the people of violence and use every means at our disposal to keep all our communities safe from terrorism.”

Invited delegates will attend the seminar which will feature in-depth discussions with representatives from blue light and transport services. There will also be two emergency scenarios played through in real time so that emergency service personnel are aware of the needs of disabled people in such situations.

Notes to editors

1. The seminar is open to invited delegates only. This is due to the sensitivity of issues to be discussed.

2. Media are not invited to attend the seminar but Kirsten Hearn, Metropolitan Police Authority lead member on disability issues and board member of TfL, will be available for interview. Please contact the MPA press office: 020 7202 0217/8.

3. The steering group for the seminar includes: Metropolitan Police Authority; Transport for London; Metropolitan Police Service; Greater London Authority; London Development Agency; LFEPA; London Ambulance Service; British Transport Police; City of London Police; Government of London; NHS; British Telecom; The Salvation Army; Network; and London Rail.

4. Key stakeholders include representatives from Metropolitan Police Service Disability Independent Advisors Group, police liaison officers and Police Community Support Officers.

Further media information

For further information, please contact the MPA press office

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