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This page contains press release 34/07, in which the MPA announces the latest crime figures are good news for Londoners.

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See the MOPC website for further information.

Latest crime figures good news for Londoners - MPA

19 July 2007

The Metropolitan Police Authority today welcomed publication of the latest Home Office crime statistics for England and Wales (06/07 data). Metropolitan Police Service crime figures reveal a larger fall in overall crime in the capital in the last 12 months compared to the previous year and to the national figures.

Commenting on today's figures, Len Duvall chair of the MPA, said:

"These latest crime figures are good news for Londoners. It means 62,346 fewer offences, which clearly shows that the MPS is working hard to achieve a safer city for all our communities.

“We are pleased to see the substantial falls in the level of overall crime (6% in London against 2% in England and Wales) of violence against the person (8% compared to 1%), Burglary (7% against 4%) and vehicle crime (9% compared to 4%). We are also pleased that robbery has increased at a slower rate than the national trend and that the incidence of criminal damage per thousand head of population is the lowest in England and Wales.

"We believe this is a result of the MPA’s work with the Met, along with other partners, including the Greater London Authority and London boroughs, to re-establish a strong police-community partnership across London to tackle criminality and build new relationships with our communities that will continue to flourish and achieve results.

“Importantly, these trends continued into the new reporting year. April to June 07 figures show falls in knife enabled crime, violent crime and robbery, and notable increases in clear up rates for violent crime, domestic violence and crimes motivated by racism or homophobia. This shows our commitment to crimes against the person, whatever the motivation. But we remain particularly concerned over the increase in gun enabled crime and homicide, and will continue to work determinedly with the Met police and our partners to do everything we can to make improvements.

"Tackling youth involvement in gang-related crime remains a top priority in order to ensure a reduction in firearms offences and knife crime and to reassure Londoners that these serious crimes are being urgently addressed.”

Notes to editors

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