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This page contains press release 54/07, Operational note MPA processes

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Operational note

Metropolitan Police Authority processes

02 November 2007

Extraordinary meeting

1. The Chair of the MPA has seven calendar days from receipt of the request for an extraordinary meeting in which to decide whether or not to call the extraordinary meeting.

2. Any three members may request an extraordinary meeting

3. If the Chair decides to call the extraordinary meeting it must take place within a reasonable period and in any event five clear days notice of the extraordinary meeting must be given to all Metropolitan Police Authority members

4. If the Chair decides not to call the extraordinary meeting, the three members who requested the extraordinary meeting may call it themselves. If they do, they too have to give five clear days notice.

5. A notice of an extraordinary meeting must specify the business to be conducted and no other business can be conducted at that extraordinary meeting.

Vote of no confidence

1. A vote of no confidence can only arise as a motion and any such motion must be received by the Chief Executive at least seven working days before the date of the meeting (unless standing orders are suspended – see below).

2. Any member can submit a motion which has to be seconded at the meeting

Suspending standing orders

1. If it is appropriate to enable business to progress the Authority can decide to suspend Standing Orders

2. Two members are required to propose and second suspension of standing orders

3. There must then be a majority decision to agree to suspend

Notes to Editors

1. Information can be found at:

2. Definition of a calendar day: all days including Saturday and Sunday

3. Definition of a clear day: excludes day of notice, day of meeting, Sundays and Bank holidays

Further media information

For further information, please contact the MPA press office 

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