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This page contains press release 61/07, November meeting of the full authority, MPA authorises Met participation in Taser expansion pilot - subject to joint evaluation and monitoring

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MPA authorises Met participation in Taser expansion pilot - subject to joint evaluation and monitoring

22 November 2007

The Metropolitan Police Authority today gave its approval for the Met to participate in the Home Office pilot to rollout use of the Taser to non-firearms trained police officers in London for a trial period, starting 10 December.

At the full Authority meeting today (Thursday 22 November) members received a further detailed paper to answer the concerns they had raised on two previous occasions when the Met brought the proposal to the table.

Cindy Butts, Deputy Chair of the MPA, said:

"Once again, members raised legitimate concerns about broadening the use of Taser to routine policing. We remain worried about the message this sends out to London's communities about the escalation of confrontation and need further reassurance that vulnerable people who may behave differently - the young, old and those with disabilities - will not be adversely affected.

"However, we have to recognise that the national Home Office pilot is now underway. Without the Met participating, this Authority will be unable to influence a final decision about future use of the Taser.

"Consequently, today we agreed that the Met participates in the trial with the following rider: I will lead an MPA working group, working with the Met to jointly monitor and evaluate the trial. The group will receive weekly updates and hold monthly meetings to discuss progress and address concerns.

"We want to move forward and influence the national debate. Our concerns have not gone away, nor have they been answered. Disproportionality of those the Taser is used against, the vulnerability of certain groups who may experience the threat of Taser use, and the extent of officer training remain of concern. We will monitor these areas rigorously and ensure that the experiences of London influence national policy for the good."

Notes to Editors

The Met had previously asked permission to take part in the pilot on 27 September. On that occasion members raised questions about the operational need and public perception and asked for further detailed information before they would agree to the proposal. The Authority received an updated paper on 25 October when members were once again dissatisfied with the level of information provided by the MPS.

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