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This page contains press release 26/10: MPA Statement: publication of the Blair Peach report by the MPS.

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MPA Statement: publication of the Blair Peach report by the MPS

27 April 2010

MPA Chair Kit Malthouse said today:

"The Commissioner is to be commended on the sensitive and transparent way he has approached the Blair Peach report. His decision to review the report, resubmit it to the CPS, and then publish it, is exactly the right one, and has been welcomed by the members of the Metropolitan Police Authority. That this further review has resulted in no further action from the CPS is to be regretted and I know will be a disappointment to all those who have campaigned on this issue over the years. Thirty one years after this tragic event, we welcome Sir Paul Stephenson's commitment to seeing that Mr Peach's family have access to the documentation in the case, and his move towards greater openness and transparency at the Met."

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