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This page contains press release 35/11: MPA statement: resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA statement: resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis

17 July 2011

Kit Malthouse AM, chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said:

“Sir Paul Stephenson is the outstanding police officer of his generation; dignified, principled and fundamentally decent.

"It therefore came as no surprise that he was determined to put the reputation of the force he leads and his concerns about national security ahead of his own position as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service.

"For 36 years Paul fought crime with great courage and commitment, often in circumstances few of us can imagine. From gangsters in Liverpool to terrorists in Northern Ireland, from Lancashire to London, he dedicated his adult life to the safety and security of others. His has been an exemplary career.

"His resignation is a terrible loss for London and the nation. That he has been driven from office by innuendo at a time when we face great challenges in crime and counter terrorism, should give us all cause to reflect on whether we have this issue in proportion.

"His mission in London, to settle the Met after a deeply turbulent period and focus it on fighting violent crime during a time of austerity, has shown significant results that will stand as a fitting legacy.

"We are all safer because of Sir Paul Stephenson, and I count myself lucky, proud and grateful to have worked with him."

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