
Briefing paper 71/2011, provides a briefing on Victims Code of Practice

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Victims Code of Practice

24 October 2011
MPA briefing paper 71/2011

This briefing paper has been prepared to inform members and staff. It is not a committee report and no decisions are required.

Following the meeting of the Communities, Equalities and People Committee on 1 September 2011. Members asked for a briefing on the Victims Code of Practice to be circulated to all members.

The closure of Victim Focus Units (VFUs) will not adversely impact our Charter obligations around keeping victims informed. Responsibility for keeping the victim informed will transfer to the officer in the case. Closing VFUs removes duplication as the Officer in Charge (OIC) already contacts the victim and is better placed to answer queries as they have knowledge of the case. The MPS CRIS system is being upgraded to assist officers in meeting and exceeding Victim Code of Practice obligations by capturing email addresses and by automatically prompting officers to make regular contact. The MPS is drafting new guidance for OICs and is briefing investigators ahead of the changes scheduled for April 2012. The MPS is consulting the Victim Support Service to ensure that the changes do not adversely impact the victim reassurance and care services that they provide.

This briefing paper has been prepared by: Richard Gittings - Head of Customer Service, TPHQ.

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