This page contains information about the project summary - Confidence
Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).
See the MOPC website for further information.
Project summary - Confidence
Project name:
MPA Lead officer: Jane Owen
Met Forward work strand: Met Connect
Project summary
Ensuring that the public have confidence in the police is paramount. Reflecting the importance of this issue, confidence is now the key measure of performance for the police and local authorities. The MPS has been set a challenging target of raising confidence from 48% to 59.4% by 2012. Work has been completed within the MPS to develop a ‘confidence model’ defining what drives confidence and what the police can do to achieve the target.
Project objectives
The MPA will work with the MPS to:
- clearly define the reporting structure for confidence;
- engage with the MPS through the MPS Confidence and Pride Board;
- ensure that members receive regular updates on corporate and borough confidence levels;
- ensure that the MPS understands the learning from the confidence model and uses it to drive and improve performance.
Correctly delivered by the MPS this work should contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money.
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
The MPA’s role is to hold the MPS to account for its performance, as Confidence is the key performance target for the next three years, the MPA needs a coherent measurement and reporting framework to oversee and scrutinise performance.
The MPS will be required to report to the MPA on progress. To do this we will request responses from the MPS on how they plan to improve confidence, setting out activities and key milestones on the way to the 2012 target.
The MPA will engage and attend the MPS’s Confidence and Pride Board and we will feed back any concerns the public raise with us. Where areas for improvement have been identified we will work with MPS to improve performance.
What will success look like?
The MPA will work with the MPS to ensure the MPS is delivery on its confidence target. A performance management framework will be developed to effectively measure performance. Where performance is failing the MPA will work with the MPS to introduce improvement measures.
Responsible MPA committee
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