This page contains information about the project summary - Workforce development
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See the MOPC website for further information.
Project summary - Workforce development
Project name:
Workforce development
MPA Lead officer: Alan Johnson
Met Forward work strand: Met People
Project summary
The overall purpose of this area of work is to be clear about the costs, benefits and risks of introducing new pay and staffing models. We will be looking at the long term implications, including the ability to maintain operational resilience and offer police staff and officers career progression. The MPA will also look at the issue of multi-point entry, an emerging finding from the MPA’s Race and Faith Inquiry.
Thirteen police forces are piloting a Workforce Modernisation initiative looking at different ways of working to maximise police effectiveness. The MPA with the MPS will review the findings and look for opportunities to develop our staff.
Project objectives
- The MPA and MPS to review the results from the workforce modernisation initiative and adopt examples of good and developing practice.
- The MPA, with the MPS, ACPO and Home Office, review the current outdated pay structure, and look for the opportunity for more radical arrangements to improve flexibility and encourage officers to develop their careers by rewarding skills and performance.
- To improve the quality of police recruits by considering options including multi point entry.
- To contribute to the development of the national High Potential Development Scheme.
- To ensure that the recommendations from the MPAs Race and Faith Inquiry are fully considered by the MPS in developing its workforce modernisation programme.
- To contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money.
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
Members of the Human Resources and Remuneration Subcommittee will continue to monitor and scrutinise the development and implementation of the MPS’s workforce modernisation programme. Members will also ensure the MPS fully considers the recommendations from the MPA’s Race and Faith Inquiry.
What will success look like?
For the public, the end result will be a more visible, accessible and responsive police service which delivers a productive and efficient service. For the MPS the result will be the ability for warranted officers to concentrate on work they have trained for and increased career opportunities.
Responsible MPA committee
Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee, which reports to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.
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